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MtnLite rear suspension

My shocks are from a Vector-05 with the ProActive Rear Suspension.
phazerfly said:
mxbulldog said:
Not yet. I hear it makes a pretty big difference though. You put one on yours?

The track was the best improvement of the sled. Atleast when your in deep snow you can go somewhere now.

Where did you get your track from?
I picked the track up at Proline motorsports in Saskatoon. There were sold out just before Christmas but they should have a new shipment in by now. Its worth the money though. :Rockon:
Talked to a guy who had the freeride track on his fx and he was wery pleased with how it worked in deep sno. But he also told me that he lost over 30 km/h in top speed on it.. He didnt care because he had a turbo coming soon.

If thats real the track it's a overkill for this sled. Think it sounds like all to much drop in top speed but thats what he told me.

Maybe som cluch tuning and gearing can keep it spinning otherwise I will cancel my track order. It has not so much top speed in the first place and I dont want it "slower" than it already is.
I really didn't see that big af a reduction in top end, maybe 5 to 8km/h and I think that with some clutching I'll get that back as well. I also don't know if the freerid track and the intense that I've got are the same.
Who makes that "intense" track? Freeride 1,5" is from camoplast.
The intense is from Camoplast as well, must be the same track just different names. It's got conical paddles in the center and and straight lug paddles on the edges.
Ok. Here is a pic of "freeride" sounds like it's the same track.


  • freeride.jpg
    23.1 KB · Views: 95
Ya thats the same track I've got on my FX, absolutely love it to. It grips awesome on hardpack, and digs hard in powder. Great track :Rockon:
phazerfly said:
Ya thats the same track I've got on my FX, absolutely love it to. It grips awesome on hardpack, and digs hard in powder. Great track :Rockon:

Sweet. One of those is now definitely on my wish list!
I weigh about 250 by the time I have all of my gear on and the rear suspension sucks! I did some measuring and found that the coil over on the apex is the same dimension as the phazer so I have the apex coil on order and am going to install it on my shock. As far as the torsion springs go, the ones from the apex won't work because of the bend found on the long end on the phazer. I am going to get a piece of teflon cut to stick in the bracket that the long end of the torsion spring goes in.
