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My 06 Nytro won't start, suggestions


Jan 13, 2012
Reaction score
Hi guys, I have an 06 Nytro. It stalled out and when I went to restart it, it turned over and we thought we heard something like a spring pop. There is not any electronics working- no dash, head lights when I turn the key. There is a spark and all the fuses seem intact. We started looking for the fuel relay assembly after reading something on a forum here.

Any suggestions, anyone have this happen to an RS model from 06?

Thanks for the input
There's no fuel relay in the carb'd Nytro. You will not have power to the gauges or headlights until the engine is running. If you heard something pop it may have jumped time. These sleds have an issue with the timing chain tensioner going bad. You may want to check the timing. http://www.ty4stroke.com/viewtopic.php?t=90826
Hi, there wasn't a backfire. It just stalled and then when you go to turn the key it turns the ignition, but seems like nothing is catching. Free spin like there is no compression.
you could start by changing the plugs,last week we had a venture that acted up like that,but it was backfiring,it was the plugs,but the cam chain tensioner could be the cause also,specially if you heard a clunk,good luck,let us know
When you say that you hear the ignition, you mean you hear the starter motor spinning free wheel. The one-way starter clutch has gone. Mine did same thing.
