this is my 2003 RX-1 Mountain i baught last January. It has 10 LED Lights for night riding (looks awsome at night!). I just put a MPI Exhaust in it. not sure if i like it, kinda loud. I put 8" FLY riser with Fly bars, painted the grills red for looks, and baught 05 mountain skis for it. soon i will do something with the airbox, not sure what. tell me what you think
missed one picture, first big snowfall. then it warmed up, making kinda wet snow
looks good where did you put the ten lights/and where did you get them.Looks like a enticer 2 on left of pic old reliable ,i have one also for my 2 daughters 95 with less than 4000 km.They would rather my RX 1 mtn ,maybe i will trade with them.HAHa

I baught 10 of these lights on ebay for about $20. the lights came with a 2 foot of wire attached to each light. All the lights are held in with clear rubber silicone or epoxy. i cut into the foam on the bottom of the hood to hold the lights from being loose. after i put the lights wire in the foam i just dabbed some clear rubber silicone in the cut to hold the wire from falling. i drilled two holes in the bottom of the headlight and stuck two lights in there pointing towards the headlight bulbs. im going to post some pictures for you to see where i put them all. The enticer is my friends. its allot of fun. I just joind TY a Couple of days ago. This is an awsome site for information on yamahas. thanks
could you give us the ebay ad where you got the lights. did they come in different colors?
here is a link to an add like the ones i got. i didnt see the same ones i have on there. http://cgi.ebay.com/10x-READY-12V-5mm-6 ... dZViewItem
it looks like they do have other colors.
it looks like they do have other colors.
thanks...hate to be a copy-cat..but i am doing the same thing to mine.looks awesome!!!!!!!!!!!

show me some pictures when you are done.
TY 4 Stroke God
that thing looks sweet!! do those 5mm bulbs really light things up good? think the 10mm would be too much light? also did you use the holders for the lights or just silicone by itself , i had seen that they have holders available...
when your driving at night you can see them from the riders position really good. i think i just used shoe goo. still hanging on tight. i think the 5mm work great.
Since it's pretty dark here for a good portion of our riding season, I'm really digging those LEDs. I may just have to do something like that too (I'm also thinking a few white LEDs under the hood in case you have a break down in the darkness). Can you post a bit more "how to" for the really not technically inclined among us (like me)?
i ran 14 or 16 wire direct from the batt to the switch, branching off by the headlight and down by where the lights by the a-arms are. i cut into the foam with a razer then stuffed the wire into the cut and glued it shut. in the picture of under the hood, the arrows are pointed in the direction of the lights. i drilled two wholes into the headlight pod and pointed the LEDs into the headlight. i wraped the two main wires with electical tape all the way to the battery. sorry i didnt post very detailed instructions. its pritty simple once you start.
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