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Need Help! Engine cut out mid ride!


Jan 8, 2007
I'm very frustrated atm! Just wondering if anyone else has had this happen:

I was riding across an open lake at ~100km/h and the engine all of a sudden just stopped. There was no sputtering, loud noises, bangs or clanks. I thought I may have hit the kill switch, but nope. Went to go start it up agian, turns over, but wont fire. I have spark from the plugs, when turning the primary I still have compression. The engine only has ~5000Km on it and the sled is only has 1 1/2 riding seasons on it.

I know my description is kinda vague, but any input would be appreciated.

I was thinking maybe cpu? but I really have no idea


rgr I have a gas tank. If it was fuel related wouldnt it sputter out before stopping completely? and are you thinking maybe fuel pump?
Any chance you got moisture in there somehow and ended up with a frozen gas line or something. Not sure if the Apex has one or two gas lines like the RX1's did but just a thought! Were you able to get it into someplace warm and thaw everything out?
I was wonderin' if you could put your model sled and year in your signature, so we could have some place to start.

It seems odd that at 100 kph that things would freeze. Maybe the fuel pump failed? (e.g. Electric Fuel Pump = Fuse or relay?)

Is it possible that the connection to the back of the guage pod came loose?

Are there any non-stock electrical devices on the seld?

Again, we need to know what sled you have.
Sure thing,
Its a 2006 Nytro ER, All the electronics are stock except a new highbeam switch I put in. Ill be bringing it into the garage tomorrow to have a look at it.

Hey sorry, its been -50C here for the last week! so I havent had a chance to do anything with the sled, Saturday I will bring it into the shop and see if i can find anything. Was also wondering about the warranty on the motor, is it 2 years?
Most standard warranties are one year. Unless you made a deal with the Dealer or bought YES, it is probably one year.
PM me with your serial #, Nytro YK. I'll check the warranty on it. If you have spark, you can eliminate the T.O.R.S or the oil level. If you have spark and compression, I'd be more inclined to think it's a fuel related problem, as was mentioned earlier. You can drop it by the dealership here if you want, and we'll take a quick look at it for you.;)!
Sorry guys, didnt mean to leave you hanging on the update with my sled. Been a crazy 2 weeks with starting a new job and stuff. But just got a call from the boys at Force One today and turns out that I dropped all three exhaust valves, they hit the pistons and sheared some teeth off the drive sprocket. Havent had the engine pulled yet, as I dont really want to spend the money to do it. But Im gonna go talk to them tomorrow and figure something out. But until the engine is pulled out they cant really isolate the cause either. But Ill try and keep everyone updated as to what happens with it.

anyone know if it is possible that this would be user error? Im really hoping it is mechanical failure and Yammy will help me out on this. I ride the sled hard, but keep it maintained and have never heard of this happening before.

