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I dont understand this gas thing,i have had last years gas in my 03 all summer,all i do is start it up once and awhile,and it runs fine,and if your dealer dosent fill up your sled,or at least put in a couple of gallons than they are soo f---ing cheap i would do buisness w/someone else,now i know this dosent help your problem,but check stuff over,like air box,hoses and plugs,change them first,it just might help,good luck.

In certain areas due to pollution the gas that is sold is called a "reformulated" gas. This gas is sold mostly in higher populated areas around large cities. This gas has a notorious problem of gumming up carbs pilot and main jets. It has a shelf life of about 30-90 days in a small engine before problems can occur. If treated with stabil the odds are usually in your favor that you will not have any problems although I have definitely still seen it happen. If you live in a rural area the gas you are supplied with is usually the old formula gas. This gas can normally last up to a year with no problems. The reformulated gas is something that has been introduced in large cities within the last 4-8 years depending upon location. Hope this clears up some confusion.
If gummed up carbs aren't your problem, then check the TPS system as Spray suggested earlier. I had a similar experience at the beginning of the year last season.

If this still isn't the problem, then check your plugs. If they are soaked, they may be fouled. This also happened to me after I kept starting and stopping it for everyone that came by to look at it.
I cant imagin a dealer that sold any internal combustion engine type product telling the customer that they cant come up with fuel to set-up the machine that he is selling to you. Please tell me that this dealer sells wholesale and that you buy there because of cost savings, if thats not the case do yourself a favor and look for a dealer that will earn your business.
:shock: :(
I already checked all hoses, and made sure the carb boots were on. This isn't a sled that has always ran bad, just now after it has sat for a month. It ran perfect before, now it sucks butt. I'm assuming that it's the carbs because of that. I don't know if I should say my dealer but they are St. Boni Motorsports in St. Bonifacious Minnesota. Best experience I've had buying from a dealer, but I have not called them yet about my problem. I already said what they told me when I got it so who knows what they will say now. Thanks for all the help guys, I will let you know what happens :(
If it were my sled, it'd be fixed already! Why get an ulcer over it, just clean the carbs :lol: You'll need to learn how to clean them anyway, why not right now? And don't use Stabil again, just run the sled a few times a summer and don't worry about it! Good luck!
Warrior said:
When I picked my Warrior up from the the dealer, they told me the only thing that is in the tank is "Stabil" and then he proceeded to tell me ;and write it on the bill of sale, that the dealership was not responsible for gummed-up carbs or fouled plugs due to the Stabil that they had added to the tank. The Sales guy said that they do not have a gas pump at their dealership so they put Stabil in the tank. :roll:

The sales guy told me to put fresh gas in it when I get home and then run it for about 5 minutes once a week until the season starts. So thats what I am doing. :wink:


Warrior. Do a little research........ They are saying they won't be responsible for stabilizer they put in? First that makes no since. Second they are braking federal laws regarding warranties.
If your from the midwest.

I wrote a post on this very issue last year. I also dont want to sound like a smart #*$&@ either but it is your carbs actually the pilot to be precise. In the midwest with oxy fuel stabilizer dos'nt do anything It leaves behind small white crystals which very commonly find there way to the pilot jets. I hope this helps :)
I'm trying to post pic.

I have some photos of the research I did in this very issue and cant upload where do I send them? different than last year.this worK?oops telling me its too big Ill shrink them and write a new thread on this tommorrow.
I just got out my manual and its says to use a fuel stabilizer for summer storage. My question is why are people against this. I have been using stabilizer for years and never had a problem. I suppose the best thng would be to run the carbs dry, but they did not give us fuel shutoffs to do this with. I am adding mine this week.

Actually what I started doing about 2 years ago is filling the carbs with streight 2 stroke oil may cost a set of plugs when your getting ready to ride but it seems you can never get all the fuel out of the carbs without removing them so i just take a surrenge full of yamalube and inject it in the carbs.
Hey guys- I have always used stabil with no problems. I'm not sure what to do now. I called my dealer, they said it was the pilots and to bring it in and they would take care of it. He also said draining my bowls during storage doesn't always work, as does stabilizer. What the @#$% are you suppose to do! I bought another Yamaha to ride not Wrench! I'm not sure if this is going to be done for free, but I will let you know what happens. I'm bringing it in on Saturday.
Runnong like Sh''t

Throw a new set of plugs in, even cleaning the old ones will not correct the problem--been there, done it. If you do not let the engine warm up and you shut it down it will foul the plugs and you can not see it. Just replace them, my 03 did the same thing. :?
