Just noticed this on Snowest. Here is a post that someone put in about adjusting the idle on a 2008 nytro. Apparently this is the idle adjustment screw. Sounds like you will have to get at it from the air box side. Allen head screw with a jam nut. I would only turn it a 1/16 at a time and check the idle , not sure which way to turn the screw to lower the idle. I would try in first. Make sure you have the track off the ground, I don't want to read about you getting run over by your sled.
I just can't find a good picture of the throttle bodies to confirm if this screw is actually there. Good luck hope this helps.
((((( No, you were using the flat blade screws used to sync the throttle bodies. Those can be used to raise idle but shouldn't be. The is a singular screw with a lock nut on it on the FRONT of the throttle bodies between number 2 and 3 cylinder. The screw is a Allen, the only Allen adjustment screw on the throttle bodies. Again, its on the front facing side of the throttle bodies, not the top or back, the front.)))))))