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New Logo???

How about this???


  • ty_forum.gif
    83.1 KB · Views: 941
that looks really great!!! will the back ground show thru??? I think it might be kewl to have that for both ty and TY 4 stroke.....

you think we should put that up top animated for like 3 or 4 times and then stay solid....??

Will that be the same size as the one thats there now??

sorry for all the questions...
I can take the white background away and I can change the size. They are the same size as your originals. I just thought you might be able to use it someplace but not necessay takeover what you have. Somebody has spent along time creating the original logo and I just made some changes to it. It's just for fun and who ever created the original should take credit. Let me know and I can make the changes fairly quickly now that they are set-up.
If you could make one for the TY 4 strokes with the white back ground and TY one with the greyish back ground , that would be great.....I would like to use them for fun ...just have them run one time and them stay fixed or use them in some other parts of the site, I wouldnt even mind haveing a smaller one for my signature....

Anyway, great job...and thank you for spending the time...very neat!!!!
That's sweet! Tommy awesome new logo by the way. NOW SEND ME SOME STICKERS! LOL! I'm gonna add that animated .gif to my website under the "links" page instead of the old TY banner!
I was thinking if he can make me one with out the TY Forum and TY 4 Stroke , I would use that on the main page of TY.com, instead of animateing the forum....hmmm so many decisions..LOL
