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Yamaha205 said:
they WONT stop making the 4 cylinder. its just too good :Rockon: :yam:

I have to agree - this motor is the best of the best out there and Yammi probably won't drop it. I would lean toward a little tweaking of this engine, maybe with one of those crank-driven turbos, or slight mods to bring the hp up to the 175 threshold - those engines are quite capable of that without supercharging. Wig
Yamaha205 said:
they WONT stop making the 4 cylinder. its just too good :Rockon: :yam:

i wouldnt count on that.....to lose some weight this is where they might need to start..

they can make huge HP with the triple and SC if they need.

time will tell...i like the 4 banger too but time will tell.
Copy and pasted from sled talk... Our product plan goes out several years. 2009 is a done deal, 2010 is in the ‘can’, 2011 will be the main focus of discussion, as early prototypes are already being tested.... Somthing is coming for 2011 , and plus i was told all the way back from 2006 .. yamaha's big year will be 2011 for snowmobiles .
yzman said:
Copy and pasted from sled talk... Our product plan goes out several years. 2009 is a done deal, 2010 is in the ‘can’, 2011 will be the main focus of discussion, as early prototypes are already being tested.... Somthing is coming for 2011 , and plus i was told all the way back from 2006 .. yamaha's big year will be 2011 for snowmobiles .
Yamaha205 said:
they WONT stop making the 4 cylinder. its just too good :Rockon: :yam:

i wouldnt count on that.....to lose some weight this is where they might need to start..

they can make huge HP with the triple and SC if they need.

time will tell...i like the 4 banger too but time will tell.

If they drop the 4 HOLER...they just lost ME as a customer!!! and many others, all I hope for is some tweaks, maybe the new "R1" 4 valve engine 180'ish HP :jump:
You know, the more I think about it, the weight of the sled really doesn't matter with the Apex - it has never been designed as a trail pounder or ditch banger, it is intended for the trail rider who is crazy about a sled that rides great, handles well (albeit not perfect) and goes like hell on the straights. There is no reason to abandon the 4 cylinder just because of weight. It is a standard production engine for the motorcycle division with some tweaks for the snowmobile arena, it is amazingly dependable, and it has enough power to satisfy even the most ardent performance nut. I like the idea of using the newest rendition of the R1/4-valve motorcycle engine with higher horsepower, as long as it doesn't raise the price to the stratosphere. I'm thinking Yamaha won't drop the 4 cylinder, it is an image sled that actually lives up to expectations. When the 150hp Yammi can keep up with the 175hp turbo Cat with much more dependability, I'm still sold on the Yamaha. Wig
Just read the new Super Trax, they are leaning towards the Nytro's motor in a new Deltabox 2 platform... Guess we will see ...
Its all about marketing,dont matter what we think,if the mags,rag about something long enough,the big 4 listen,and bean counters (COUNT),its about the dollar period,if they can still satisfy most of us,than they won!! Just look at the mighty tripple two stroke,that most of us top speed freaks used to tear up the lakes with,well the rough riders wanted light weight,good riding twins,what do you think won out,oh lets think,maybe big torgue,light weight none top end twins,but they do well from corner to corner,and most of the time make it to around 100mph,in most peoples eyes that is plenty fast enough,so they made lots of them belt eating,piston gobling twins,to keep most folks happy,ya they suck gas,so they just put this big azzz gas tank on,so we could get 80 plus mpg,and we were happy again,but were we all happy?? heck no,our big tripples and quads got great milage,ran super top speeds,and they out handled all big twin sleds on smooth tight and twisty trails,oh ya they did ride rough in the big bumps,but thats about it,ys they were front end heavy,but that is what made them stick to the trails,and fun on the lakes and big trails,so what do you think i want for a new sled,ya you got it 4 in a row make it go!!
If they do go with the triple, hang on to your 4 bangers, they will keep their value much longer - probably the last 4 cylinder sled ever to be built! Wig
wigman1 said:
If they do go with the triple, hang on to your 4 bangers, they will keep their value much longer - probably the last 4 cylinder sled ever to be built! Wig

YEP! I'm keeping mine if its the case and going with a YAMACHARGER next year... ;)!
BINGO.......excellent point!

wigman1 said:
If they do go with the triple, hang on to your 4 bangers, they will keep their value much longer - probably the last 4 cylinder sled ever to be built! Wig
This is a great point to be made about the value and the fact that they may never be built again....with weight wars and emissions etc. good point!
Anyone get a call from Yamaha today to test ride the 2011's in Feb ? I spoke with a friend today who said he got an invite from Yamaha Canada via telephone call to test ride the 2011's. Hmnnnn ;):D
Yamaha is in the best position for any EPA emission increases which will "no doubt" be coming.Problem is will YAMAHA make it to the point where the other players(CAT,POO,DOO)can,t pony-up the chips to meet the EPA targets.I see a smaller sled market in the future with room for only 2 or 3 sled builders.
