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New top speed!

I am always glad to help people. The truth is that sometimes it is better to just be in the right direction than having the cake ready to eat. You have to think, understand, test it, take notes and then you know the results if it works for YOU.

I agree and disagree. Lol
I understand conditions play a big factor with this sled.
Cannondale, on any given day i can take the viper out and let it rip. I know regardless of conditions, no matter how bad it is i can see an average top speed of 85.
If conditions are perfect i will bounce around 92-93.
I had the reflash done last week and Right now im hitting the revlimiter so i know i need to add more weight to the tip.
I am assuming that i will see an increase in top speed once i do this, but if i get more than 3-4 mph i will be shocked.
My goal is 100. I just NEED to know it will do it. Im driving myself insane with this, lol

I ask you this, what do you see for average every day top speed in general trail conditions?

With all the mods I have 90-95 anywhere anytime on trails. I think it's pretty safe to say that you should hit 100-101 if good conditions and everything is right clutching wise. Get it to 9100 rpm go find ice with about 1 inch or so of packed snow on top. Heck just go find a frozen dirt road. It will do it. The real issue is being consistant and not needing perfect conditions to do the triple digits. Something none of us NA guys have gotten yet.
I agree and disagree. Lol
I understand conditions play a big factor with this sled.
Cannondale, on any given day i can take the viper out and let it rip. I know regardless of conditions, no matter how bad it is i can see an average top speed of 85.
If conditions are perfect i will bounce around 92-93.
I had the reflash done last week and Right now im hitting the revlimiter so i know i need to add more weight to the tip.
I am assuming that i will see an increase in top speed once i do this, but if i get more than 3-4 mph i will be shocked.
My goal is 100. I just NEED to know it will do it. Im driving myself insane with this, lol

I ask you this, what do you see for average every day top speed in general trail conditions?

If you are hitting the rev limiter you first need to figure out why. If it's your belt slipping or if it's your weights. If hopefully it's just weight you may end up adding much more than you think to keep it off limiter. So yes that may easily give you your speed. It's easy for me with the Magnaforces. Heck a minute is all it takes. I know how it sucks changing stock weights but that's what you are going to need to do. That rev limiter is killing you.
I am not telling people: Go at the store buy parts and your sled will rock!

I share that today was the fastest top speed I seen with that sled and that it could hold it. It was also repeatable along the day.
The fact is, I got my best speed with the parts mentioned earlier.
I am not telling people: Go at the store buy parts and your sled will rock!

I share that today was the fastest top speed I seen with that sled and that it could hold it. It was also repeatable along the day.
The fact is, I got my best speed with the parts mentioned earlier.
It's a darn good feeling isn't it! Seeing that third digit. Congratulations.
I keep the inner 3.6. Shave 1.3g from the center 3.6 so its now 2.3g. I switch the tip rivet to another 3.6.
So 3.6 2.3 3.6.
Pink-Silver-Pink primary spring.
Yes good condition are the main factor, but the better the clutching helps get speed. I never see those speed before that mod and I have almost 9000km.

This is info contained in the "clutching on the cheap" thread, no secret (at least I did not think there was) that the stiffer spring is what the Viper likes. I did the same thing with the stock spring by adding a shim as below.


Stage 1 - by taking off the primary clutch cover (6 bolts) and put in a 4mm or 6mm shim (available at http://www.benderracing.com/Clutch_Shims_s/38412.htm or you can make one out of the last coil on an old spring). That gives you the big change. Approx. cost $0 to$10.00
Putting shims on the stock spring won't work with the weight configuration written here. It will have either not enough total force or too much preload.
Guys and 1049triple I mean no disrespect with this but I honestly hit 105mph last year more than once on river absolutely stock. Just next day would only do 90 same stretch. You just do the best you can and eventually the consistency will come. There is no magic clutching for top end. It just needs power or perfect conditions.
a big AMEN TO THAT !
Sorry Srudroes144, I have the front frame reinforcement broken so the sled is now torn apart. I should have checked the engagement speed before working on this. I will let you know when it will be back together.
Putting shims on the stock spring won't work with the weight configuration written here. It will have either not enough total force or too much preload.

I appreciate guys trying to experiment and make things better, but the idea you put forth here is the same......that being a stiffer spring and I agreed with you. I experimented a bunch with the stock weights, I even cut the heel bump off to even out the ramp profile and that made it better but not enough. Guys have made alot of diff weights work, you can get most anything to work but work how well?

1. Stiffer spring is a must
2. Weight profile means everything for not top speed but how you get there
3. Set up my way your clutch will engage at 2700 and pull evenly all the way to 9150

As a side note if you insist on running the stock weights, try Barn Of Parts "soft touch spring" and a 4mm or 6mm shim I think you will be pleasantly surprised
I tried a bunch of different clutch set-up, even your COTC. I wrote this thread to show people that my best speed as come with the stock weight, and by a good margin. The next best speed I got was with the 8BU-10. 164km/h. I am not here to debate on how clutching work.
Sorry Srudroes144, I have the front frame reinforcement broken so the sled is now torn apart. I should have checked the engagement speed before working on this. I will let you know when it will be back together.

What is the front frame reinforcement that you broke?

Stingray not everyone likes or wants the type of clutching the COTC provides. I am very happy with what I have. Its repeatable and tuneable to whatever I want. I have yet to not see any combination or kit if tuned to correct rpm and given enough distance,time and conditions produce 101-105mph. They all do just get there differently. Even stock. Let the guy do what he wants no one setup is going to make everyone happy.
Secondary at 3-3. Been 165 at 6-1 but haven't try enough to tell it wouldn't do the same.
Cannondale27, I broke the part #8JP-F198E-00, just where the steering column is passing thru.
What is the front frame reinforcement that you broke?

Stingray not everyone likes or wants the type of clutching the COTC provides. I am very happy with what I have. Its repeatable and tuneable to whatever I want. I have yet to not see any combination or kit if tuned to correct rpm and given enough distance,time and conditions produce 101-105mph. They all do just get there differently. Even stock. Let the guy do what he wants no one setup is going to make everyone happy.

Read the original post, he presented the stiffer spring as something new to be tried which it was not. I agree do as you like, but if it has been done before expect someone to point it out.
