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New York TY Ride?


Oct 10, 2003
St. Lawrence Valley, Northern N.Y.
Anyone interested in putting together a New York TY ride? I'd really like to get a bunch together and hook up at say Tughill (Central N.Y.)area or Cranberry Lake (Adirondack)area. and do a 1 day or 2 day ride depending on who can or wants to come. I'll try and get ahold of MrSled and see what it takes to make the criteria for a TY Ride. Also would like any volunteers to help set up the ride as well. I'll help all I can. Dates are open for suggestion. Let's Ride!
e-mail me at ann.johnson50@verizon.net and we'll get this thing rolling.

I,m in. Let me know when and where. I can help with the planning. If possible I would think a Thursday, or Friday or both days would be best. Trails are in alot better condition then. I would think Tug hill is best. Almost always have snow there. :lol: :D
ty ride

Count me in. I think southern part of tug hill west leyden,boonville.penn mountain forestport lee center taberg florence osceola would make a good days ride.
I groom for taberg trailblazers and know most all of the trails quite well.

either tues-wed-thur would be a good day.

Possible meeting place Yaworskis resturant in Lee center depending on where everyone lives.

Big Black you must know where that is. Maybe you and I could get together one day also

Great guys lets keep working on this. The more the merrier! I'm on vacation the last week of Jan. through the 1st week in Feb..I was thinking of a Sat. Sun. ride or a Tues. Wed. ride. Take a vote and we'll pick one of the 2. As far as a place goes Tughill looks like a likely place being that it is more centralized. I'd like to meet at The Montague Inn. Ok here's a question. Should we limit the ride to Yamaha riders only? I don't want to leave anyone out but it would be pretty cool to get a pack of Yammie guys together. After all this is gonna be a TY ride right? So I guess I answered my own question..All Yamaha Riders! Or maybe just RX-1 riders? nah kidding guys..Hope to here more input. Later
Lee Center area trails

rgredfoxx, since you belong to the Tagberg club, can you tell me if they are going to get a new trail around the one they closed in the Lee Center area? Sure going to be tuff to go from Yaworski's to Taberg with the old trail shut down. :?:
we made a new trail to the south around the owner and you can get to taberg and to water street like before.

now if lee center gets opened up you may be able to get from stokes to lee center as of now their trails are all closed until dec 22

Ok lets plan the ride for Jan. 28th-29th (Wed-Thurs) And if the weather is'nt cooperative we'll do it the following week Feb. 5th-6th (Wed.-Thurs) Does that work for everyone? Hey Rgredfoxx seeing that your from the area can you check on Motels for us? Should we meet up at a motel on Tuesday night and plan our ride ? If we drop at Montague Inn we can go in any direction we want to. So far we have (9) interested in the ride so I hate to limit the ride to RX-1 owners but then again that also depends on how many we get to come. I say we include all Yamaha riders after all it is a TY ride right? Ok here's what we do. Everyone who wants to go e-mail me at ann.johnson50@verizon.net and give me your TY name, real name and what you'll be riding.This is gonna be a blast if we can get it organized in time. The more the merrier! Let's do it!
