
Ya you definitely need to be careful on r/r crossings. Trailer loading is easy with the plastic ramps you can mount on a ramp or trailer edge. Best $25 I have spent on my trailer. As for the snotrackers I love them. I used them since 2011. I had them on both mine and my wife's 4 strokes. For trail riding and lake and river riding they work awesome. My wife went from horrible darting on her 1200 to easy steering on her 1200. Never a problem with tipping or damage due to low snow. I know they aren't for everyone but I'm sold on them. Was hoping the tuner 3s would be a good ski but if not I won't hesitate to put trackers on the Rtx!

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Negatives are isolated issues, I've put 10,000 aggressive miles on them and not experienced anything like these stories make out. If you do a survey by far most feedback will be positive. If you disqualified products by having any single negative feedback you wouldn't be able to buy anything. Can be inexperienced riders, sled setup issues, etc.

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Im not even going to run the tuners...IMHO they are junk...and even if made to handle decent they wont float...this sled needs some float..a wider ski and a better designed ski (one that doesnt dart from the get go) which wont NEED the trackers fix is what Im after...

but I agree...inexperienceand bad setups can tarnish a decent product...IMHO this applies to suspension setups in general...most people dont even touch their suspensions...and then bitch...most everything can be done through proper tuning..even dramatic reduction of darting..
Sounds like snow trackers it is. I mostly stay to groomed trails 99% of the time so don't care about floatation. They are different for the tunners then for the apex skis correct ? I just want to rail on the trails also be studding my ltx SW.
Do the tunners make steering effort tough ?? Like I said ran dart less on apex and phazer going over train tracks and loading on trailer never had problems. So has anyone ran them on tunner ski s ?
Flotation is way more than breaking trail...fresh snow? Un groomed trail..turning around on a trail...running ditches between trails..powerlines between trails...

Skinny skis on rider forward heavy four strokes sucks..
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That's fine like I said stick to trails only so don't care about ditches of power lines. Don't ever need to turn around cause I'm usually first to the next warm up shack lol. U sound like my buddy's that ride ski doos. "Oh those heavey 4 strokes" pretty sure the SW is lighter than my friends stupid 800 summit.
I also don't think tunners are junk
They work really well on my phazer,
Heard even better on the nytro s.
My buddy ran the tuner on his wasn't long before he swapped to the Pilot 6.9 dual keel mountain ski and was MUCH happier...
I also don't think tunners are junk
They work really well on my phazer,
Heard even better on the nytro s.
Not for nothing, but I couldn't bite my tongue on this asked for some advice and you're getting it. The phaser is a totally different animal than the SW. If you have never had aftermarket skis you will never know how much of a game changer they really are. If you think the tuners will suit your needs then give them a try. If you feel you could do better, and I for one think you wouldn't believe the difference, try a different ski. There are lots of choices out there if you're willing to spend $350-$500.
To me it's the best money you can put into the sled.
So what ski do u suggest ? Just spent 22k what's another 500$ lol that s the advice I'm looking for. Spend 300$ on snow trackers on tunners or 500$ on new skis. What's everyone doing ?
Remember Trails ridding only for me
Well I have curves and just ordered some for my dad...So of course I will say curve. lol. I have a friend that has C&A razors on a zr9k with I think 9" Deuce bars on them. It worked well except it darted like a #$%^. I have a another friend that has a zr9k with curves with the 4" leading edge and 9" shapers. The curves did not dart and turning on the high side of a corner with some speed grabbed instantly. The C&A's seemed to push a 'tiny' bit before grabbing. Same trail same day. Both sleds were studded. Now that being said if I had not gone with the curves I would have considered the SLP Mohawk. But note the carbides hold the ski to the saddle on the mohawks so if you mess up a carbide you will only have 1 attached ski... **no matter what you choose to do, Make sure your toe out is set correct or your sled will handle like it has a mind of its own.* I made the mistake at the start of last season of having my dealer check my ski alignment. OMG they messed it up wicked bad. Once I corrected it ahhhhh.

In the end any aftermarket ski will out perform the stock ones *all around*. Now the stock ones do very well in certain conditions, but suck in others. Aftermarket do well to excellent in all conditions. But if darting is your only concern I do not think you will have any issue with it on the tuners. I never did the short time I had them on my viper, nor did my dad that has had them on his viper for the past 2 seasons (he was 2 cheap to upgrade so this year he's getting his curve xmas present).
I'm guess ing the xs curve for trails would be the one, how about carbides ?
I'm guess ing the xs curve for trails would be the one, how about carbides ?

Ah carbides. I am up in the air on that. I have about 1 full season on the stock 4" that came with my skis (1/2 a season in '15 and whatever you called last season.) on a 129 viper with no studs. This year I will be going with an ice attack xt pre studded track on my winder and am looking to go with either 6" or 8" Bergstrom triple points & ski savers. I am still not sold either way at this point. I used to run 6" triple points on my apex with doo pilot 5.7 skis and no studs. The curves are more aggressive with just the stock 4" so I am not 100% sure I would need 8" with a prestudded track. But at the same time I wonder if the 6" will be enough. Hopefully a few more people can help in that choice.
love my curves. had to put on another sled for gf though. i ran 6" woodys on my xtx with no studs and had no problems on decent trails we get utter crap here at times and that was when i would have the problems.
