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No more Drone??

IH8CROWS, thanks for the heads up and I have been reading up on sidewinder problems..BARN OF PARTS offer some of the answers to these problems such as frozen relays, oil leaks and the such...I hope my sled is all squared away by the time it reaches 2500 miles. Trying my best to learn as much as I can about this sled...before I have trouble on the trails.
Dont worry about it. Some here just HATE that most like the Yama-Cat better than the older Yamaha's. Go have fun on your Winder and block out the haters. Great sled you have chosen....
I often felt the drone was worse on the 11+ exup apex. Wandered if it had something to do with the exup valve. With cables always tearing and guys not wanting to have to fuss with it I'm developing a cable delete kit that locks the valve in full open. Curious if doing this will also have an effect on the drone. Maybe someone that has an ulmer header can comment on this??
IH8CROWS, thanks for the heads up and I have been reading up on sidewinder problems..BARN OF PARTS offer some of the answers to these problems such as frozen relays, oil leaks and the such...I hope my sled is all squared away by the time it reaches 2500 miles. Trying my best to learn as much as I can about this sled...before I have trouble on the trails.
Dont worry about it. Some here just HATE that most like the Yama-Cat better than the older Yamaha's. Go have fun on your Winder and block out the haters. Great sled you have chosen....
thanks Stain, we love the sled...if it comes in the form of a cat frame so what...I got rid of the venture because I couldn't take the drone..I appreciate your words.
I installed the BOP wedge back in December, took out the roll over hose out of the air box and changed the skis just because I didn’t like the red skis, 5000km and all has been good.

As I think back I spent way more time working on my apex. No regrets on the apex but time has changed and it looks like this is the new Yamaha, ride a sidewinder/viper or move on to another manufacturer and deal with the problems they have as no sled is perfect. I ride quite a bit and my riding buddies have sleds made by other manufacturers and believe me they have issues.. saddlebag trip ending issues I may add..
What skis did you put on? Just curious...the tuner 3 skis are good on the trails but when the snow is deep forget about it....
What skis did you put on? Just curious...the tuner 3 skis are good on the trails but when the snow is deep forget about it....
2014 viper skis, basically arctic cat skis, single keel and a bit wider than the tuner ski.
Dont worry about it. Some here just HATE that most like the Yama-Cat better than the older Yamaha's. Go have fun on your Winder and block out the haters. Great sled you have chosen....
I said i liked the sled just not fixing it all the time.
Really liked the seating position and the smile when you give it the gas.
I often felt the drone was worse on the 11+ exup apex. Wandered if it had something to do with the exup valve. With cables always tearing and guys not wanting to have to fuss with it I'm developing a cable delete kit that locks the valve in full open. Curious if doing this will also have an effect on the drone. Maybe someone that has an ulmer header can comment on this??
My 11 XTX Apex has almost no drone. Now My 2000 1000 triple cat had insane drone. My 05 Warrior had a bit till I went to the AD Boivion Composite skid and then it was quiet. Drone is caused by sound waves and my Cat was much quieter with new hyfax. As the hyfax wore down the wheels made more noise bouncing over the lugs. Once the wheels/lugs got in sync with the three cylinders the drone got loud, faster or slower the drone was gone. Same with the 11 XTX if the Duponts are worn down the drone is louder then when the Duponts are new. Main reason is the wheels hardly touch the track when the Duponts are new. If the trail is rock hard the drone can be heard if the trail is covered in a few inches of snow the drone disappears. Once the cylinders and track lugs get in sync the drone appears. With over 30,000 miles on the RX chassis all I can say is the drone has never been a problem. Good to know you have a cable delete kit.
My 2011 apex was horrible, only way I found to avoid the drone was listening to music..
I agree with hibshman that the EXUP is responsible for a drone. But there is also the track area drone.
I know a rider that went to the Viper(before the Winder was available) because he just couldn't stand the noise. He was a cruiser.
If you were a rider that was always to the kitchen, the exhaust noise wasn't really a problem.
Now about this clutch rattle.....the Apex never had that!
