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Nothing but problems



Got a call from the dealer telling me they fixed the problem. I asked them what was causing the issue. He said, "The throttle cable was not pushed completly into the throttle housing on the handle bars." He said he called Yamaha directly and asked them if they knew of any problems with the TORS activating on the XTX. He told me Yamaha told him to check the throttle cable at the housing and that might be the issue. UM OK???

He also said the housing was loose on the handle bars too. That would cause the TORS to activate as well.

I asked him if they test rode my sled to make sure it was not acting uo again. He said, "Well we don't have alot of snow left here and I really don't want to get your new sled all dirty." I told him I would wash the mud and dirt off of it and did not care, as long as it was fixed correctly this time. He said, "well I will see if there is enough snow to ride it or not."

If I was not going into work tonight I would go test ride the damn thing around thier shop flinging and throwing mud all over the place to make sure it is fixed. So tomorrow when I get up I will go up and ride the thing around thier shop to make sure it is working correctly. If not I think there are two options.
1. Leave the thing setting in the field where it acts up and tell them to go fetch it.
2. Reinact the old Discount Tires commercial, where the older lady was not happy with the tire and throws it through the front window. (I think that might get some attention!)

So tomorrow I will let you know how it goes...........

I'm with Dox06 on this one. I don't think his complaint is that far fetched. I would be upset and disaapointed if I was in his boat. Plus we all know how much fun this sled is to ride. Dox seems like he has yet to really ride the piss out of this sled yet.

Let us know how the front window thing works out for you.
IMO it sucks that we all have to go to such great lengths to get this sled dialed in, but deep down I think we all like tinkering and making our stuff unique. I'm certain that no matter what sled I own, I will always be searching for the latest and greatest aftermarket add-ons that will make it better... be it looks or speed.

Anyways as always, everyone here keeps things entertaining. This is why I don't have time to read books or magazines anymore... the write-ups on these forums are great. Keep em comin'. ;-)
Quote: "2. Reinact the old Discount Tires commercial, where the older lady was not happy with the tire and throws it through the front window. (I think that might get some attention!)"
Are we taking up a bail collection for Dox should he need to exercise option 2?

What a frustrating story. Wonder if this is a quality control issue with Yamaha or a dealer prep failure? Sometimes I can't help to wonder if the dealer isn't going through the sleds before they head out the door. My dealer sent my XTX out the door with the ski mounts backward on one of the skis. One ski was pointing up, the other down. Never noticed it until I was on the sled dolly. What's next....TORS in the field like Dox? I'm soooo looking forward to my first ride but nervous as hell reading some of these post. #$%&* :o|
Just a quick opinion this is what i believe!
When you buy something brand new i dont know about you guys but I FEEL IT SHOULD WORK out of the crate so to say. Not after mod this mod that. The peeps who say thats the norm lets see you purchase a new car from me and it have problems straight away you would be pissed i am sure thats my point. I enjoy my nytro i really do but if it was not just up to money i would swap brands
UPDATE 12-15

I will start ou by saying I did not send the sled through the front doors. ;)!

When I got up to the shop they were just bringing my sled back in to clean it up after a ride. I asked the mechanic how it was running. He said, "I got it. I found out what was wrong." He told me he did not believe it was the throttle not being pushed all of the way into the handlebar housing. He said, "When the desk manager said he was told by Yamaha that that was the problem, I did not believe it. I grabbed the throttle and thought it felt a little light on the pressure, so I walked up front and grabbed the throttle on a new 2010 XTX and a FX RTX and they both felt tighter than yours. So I started by looking at the throttle cable and tracked it back to the throttle bodies. And there I found two springs on the throttle bodies hanging there not connected. I connected them how they are suppose to be and, wow. This thing is a monster." I asked him if that was an oversight by the tech who built my sled. He said he thought it probably came from Yamaha that way. (nice)

So I now have a sled that is going to run like it is suppose to. (hopefully)

Tomorrow I will find out, I am taking a day run north to play.
Glad to hear it, hope it lives up to your expectations. I know once mine hit the right mileage, I actually heard it change and could feel it. I was on the trail headed to the dam if I recall correctly. Shes a beast when she runs right!
Glad to hear that there was concrete evidence causing this situation and I hope you won't have any further problems.

I was just looking at my service manual on how to diagnose issues caused by the T.O.R.S. and on the flowchart, after the obvious "Checking of codes", the second item to check was and I quote "Has throttle body icing occurred or is foreign material stuck in the throttle body?". If the Dealer would have checked this, he would have seen the issue with the springs right away. It seems to me that they did not even make a serious effort to correct the problem, especially holding onto your sled for a week previous.

I sure hope that you did not have to pay a red cent for this, plus that Dealer should be kissing your @$$ and apologizing for their subpar service.

Anyhoo, happy sledding, and keep the rubber side down! ;)!

well this isnt the first horror story i've read on here from nelsons...
Glad to hear they fixed u!
I hear you about the mods. its not right. most of these arent issues with a brand new sled design.
Yami has had $hitty hyflex wear for over 10 years now. theres no reason we should all have to spend a couple hundred changing idlers on a brand new sled. or skis. but we do, because even if we have to change hyflex like crazy or almost go off the trail on every corner, at least we are there at every corner.
Not like the 'doo boys. buddys '09 xp800 short track blew up at 972 miles last year. took the cylinder with it. Season ender cuz they couldnt get the parts off backorder.
thats not to say skidoos cant go 10,000miles. I know a old 'duffer 66 yrs old had 10,800 on his 2000 ski doo 800 as of last year in april. oh yeah, i forgot to tell you. HES ON MOTOR NUMBER 3!!!!!
I liked the rev chassis. handles real well. but the prices are outrageous, and u need to own 2 or 3 to stay riding a full season. so i bought a xtx, and just spent the coin on the mods. now i cant wait to ride.
sleddingfarmer said:
Are the motors in the new xp really that bad?

My brothers old 2000 sxR 600 did the same thing. If you let the throttle all the way out it would cut out...and have to wait till it came down to idle before you could go again. We brought it to the dealer and the owner helped us hot wire it...no more problems.

No, I have one along with a few in my group and they have been bulletproof so far. These are all 09 800r sleds some with over 2k on them now. Don't believe everything you read on Dootalk and other sites.
glad to hear that you got your tors problem figured out,had a guy with a apex in our group that did the same thing, had it into a couple dealers before we figured it out ourselves,same issue.as far as your negativity towards buying a sled that had some issues, it is understandable.up to a point,nothings perfect.rode this past weekend with some brands of sleds of a different persuasion,and got a chance to hear and see first hand what kind of problems they deal with,how,for instance would you like to be told that your brand new sleds are belt eating s.o.b.s,and that they are working on the problem.then the dealer gives you a couple of belts and tells you that they will contact you when they get it figured out,that was over a year ago.
