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Nytro engine issue. Did I blow it up?

Sorry to hear of your troubles. When I blew my motor (if you search my posts, you can read it) my dealer was great. They tore the motor down and I had a rod go thru the crank case. He insisted on a new motor and carb rack from Yamaha.
I also got involved with the young lady in California that was handling my claim.
She was very helpful and understanding. This really sped up the process.

The first motor sounds like someone messed up on assembly.
The second sounds like the dealer did not do his job right.

I guess I am trying to say, get involved. Call Yamaha customer service and find out who is handling your claim. Let them know what is going on.
Also maybe think about a different dealer. This can make a big difference on the repair and time frame.

Best of luck

:yam: :4STroke: :rocks:

Mtnviper said:
Since this is a Nytro engine failure thread, and I had my motor go down again today :o|
I thought I would share (vent) my Nytro motor story.
Back in mid Feb we went on sledding trip to Idaho for a few days of prime Idaho powder riding!
On the 3rd day we were heading back through a wide open area. Since my XTX just clicked over 500 miles that day, and I had pretty much taking it easy on the motor while it broke in. I decided to open her and see what it would do. I had it to the bar for a couple miles, and got it up to about 95mph or so and figured that was enough. Backed it down to about 65-70mph, probably wasn't 2 minutes after my WOT run, the sled shut down. Thinking I overheated it, I fired it back up to pull over to cool it down. It would shut down a few seconds after I re-started it, WTF its never done that before. Then I looked down, motor oil all over the right side of the sled :o|
So we start pulling panels off the see where the oil is leaking from, there in the belly pan sits the oil drain plug. :o|
We tow it back to the truck, head into town to buy some oil. I put 3 quarts of oil into it, fire it up. Hey it sounds like the motor might be ok! I tell my friends that I'll be able to ride tomorrow!
Next day, we head out and I get about 9 miles out and I'm starting to hear the motor knock under light accel. Not wanting to hurt the motor any more that it all ready is, I shut it down and we tow it back.
Now keep in mind the first oil change had NOT been done yet. The sled only had 300 miles on it when we left for Idaho, it was not due yet. We usaully put on 50-60 miles a day of mountain riding. So the plan was to do the first oil change when I got back as it would have just clicked over 500 miles.
I call the dealer back home from Idaho, to schedule the sled. They cant get me in for 2 weeks, I'm not happy about that, but I also understand that they are busy.
I take it in and they tear it down, it has two spun rod bearings, oil pump is shot, crankshaft throws are blue from the spun bearings. I look the block over with the tech, and it looks ok. I tell them I would really perfer a new motor, since there is a lot of metal in the bottom of the motor. He tells me Yamaha will only ok repairing the motor instead of replacing it. :o|
By the time all the parts show up, it takes the dealer 1 month to fix the sled :o| :o|
I pick it up, and we go riding today. I'm taking it easy on the motor because it basiclly has a whole new bottom end. When my buddy on his turbo Phazer spears his track. It tears out a section of outer belt approx 1' long on the LH outer belt and breaks 4 gourser (spelling) bars. But it is still moveable under it's own power. So we head back, my buddy can only go about 10mph but at least its moving under its own power. On the way back I notice my XTX is starting to run poor, like it's dropping a cylinder. About the same time it would let out a weird valve train type rattle. Since it's only the two of us we both are taking it easy just trying to make it back to the truck. My sled is rattling more now, and loosing power. This cant be good, but my buddy with the busted track is in no condition to tow me out. So I press on, by now the motor is banging and rattling, and I'm thinking just get me to the truck. About 100 yards from the truck, I left off a little and she dies. I hit the starter and the motor has clunking/banging sound and has un-even compression. Pretty sure it sucked a valve and broke a piston. :o|
So we tow it that 100 yards, busted track and all.
The sled made a whole fricken 17 miles before the motor let go, again. :o| :o|
The sled has 560 miles on it and will have had the motor out twice :o| :o|

The XTX is my 5th Yamaha sled, first four stroke, and quite possibly my last. I have had Yamaha sleds since 1992. Four of which I bought brand new. Only engine failure out of all those sleds, was a ring pin failure on the 97 XTC 600. I stuck with Yamaha because I keep my sled for at least 5 years and I need them to be reliable. But this XTX is not off to very good start. I cant believe the but luck I'm having with this thing. :o| :o|
The sled was down 6 weeks before, had to be towed in the last 3 rides, who knows how long its down for now. :o| :o| :o| :o| :o|
BTW cawcislo, hope a US dealer gets that motor taken care of for you. I dont see why they shouldn't.

So what happened intitally? Did the oil plug just come loose, or was it something internal that let go, not because of a loose oil plug?
Thanks guys
I did call C/S when it went down the first time. The gal on the phone was nice to deal with.
Oil drain bolt fell out first, then all the trouble started. Not sure why it would have stayed in there as long as it did. Other then it was the first day that I had really opened it up and worked it hard. So there would have been more heat/vibration then on any ride before. I suppose its like any other bolt on a sled, if it's not torqued correctly from factory, sooner or latter under the right conditions its going to work loose.
Maybe our motors were built by the same guy at the yamaha plant. By the looks of it, it appears a rod bolt was not torqued properly. I'll have to try calling Yamaha customer service US to see if they can do anything.
I stopped by the dealer today, to see the damage. It's ugly, just as I supsected a valve broke off in the # 1 cylinder. It beat the $h!t out of the head, piston, cylinder wall.
Whats interesting is #1 was the cylinder that had spun the rod bearing in the worst condition. I suspect that when it did, the piston came up and just touched the valve(s) causing them to bend slightly.
Then when I went for a ride after it was put back together. The valves warmed up, and hung in the guide just long enough for the piston to stroke up and smack the valve. From then on it's game over.
Also makes sense because it was starting to run poorly before the noise started in. Like it was leaking compression on one hole.
Still waiting to hear back from Yamaha though, not happy about that at all :o|
Im sure it will all work out in the end for you MTnviper.. They should have rebuilt the whole engine in the first place after the engine starved for oil and locked up..

Ive had 3 4 -strokes and will never go back.. My brothers Rx-warrior has over 6000 miles on it, and my apex has 9000 miles on it and neiter of us have touched the engines at all.. track and suspensions only..

THere is no reason to think that the yamaha engine isnt realliable just because a few do blow up.. and just so happens they were out of the country and dont have warranty..
Everybody needs to read this before buying yamaha 4 strokes they are not that great. This same thing happened to me!!!DON'T BECOME A YAMAHA FOOL!!!
Better have a warranty or you own scrap metal a new motor is 6000 in parts. GREAT MOTOR :moon:
I have 9300km on mine. Haven't put a single wrench on it. The dude clearly had some bad luck and can't handle it.... 1guy complaining out of how many of these sleds sold now?? Ya that's what I thought.
I had 11'500 kms on my turbo nytro when i blew the engine.

I rolled the sled down a hill and likely i fired it up too quick, and started riding with too low oil pressure.

The engine was still running when i killed it, to avoid a even bigger failure.

This is the first yamaha 4-stroke I have ever seen failed in the mounains.
I see broken doo's almost every weekend.

so how many blow up engines does this look like? same cylinder by the sounds of it too. anybody have any luck getting warranty out of these?
