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oil change frequency


TY 4 Stroke Junkie
Apr 30, 2005
Moncton New Brunswick
So we should be changing the oil every 2500miles during the season. Then again in the spring when storing for the summer? Should we change it again in the fall?

If you put 5000 miles on a season well then you will have to change it halfway through the season, but if you put 2500 miles or less a year on, once in the spring is perfect.
So just change it in the spring? I thought I read some where some guys were changing the oil in the fall after the sled has bit sitting all summer ? I did a search with no luck.
In the spring just before you put your sled up for storage go ahead and change the oil to remove any harmful contaminants. Then put your sled up for the summer. Now when you bring your sled out of storage in the fall there is no need to remove perfectly good new oil. Crank it and ride.
I changed to MOBILE 1 SYNTETIC and only change the oil once a year.. regardless of milage.. (too bad i only get about 2200 miles a year anyways)
I was told the reason that oil in your car was to be changed ever 3 mounths or 3000 miles, was that the lubricity and the additives that protect your engine will break down after this amount of time. So if you change your oil in the spring, and run the motor in the summer to keep the compoents in the engine lubercated, by fall the oil will not be any good. I rather spend a little money on oil than alot of money on repairs for the engine. I change mine in the sping and fall. after all this is a 4-stroke like a car engine, and it does see hi rpms.
3-months or 3000-miles is a little overkill for any car, IMO. Why don't people just use common sense...don't believe everything you're told.
ZR800EFI said:
3-months or 3000-miles is a little overkill for any car, IMO. Why don't people just use common sense...don't believe everything you're told.

I'll add to what my buddy zr8 said. I just bought a new GMC Acadia and now have about 4000 Kilometers and they have an oil viscosity and cleanliness sensor to tell you what oil life you have left. It says my next oil change will be about 12000 kilometers. I was a little astonished by this and sent an e-mail to gm about it. They sent me a nice e-mail from an engineer at their design facility and he explained that the reason most suggest short oil lifespan is becasue they have to look at what the crappiest oil you could possible use in your machine and still get coverage from warranty. he said most good synthetics will last more than 10000 km under normal use situations. With a monitor, if you are trailering etc the monitor will show the shrter life of the oil. Once a season is more than enough to change the oil unless you are over 5000 a season. Have a good one.

