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Oil Consumption and OP-LO on 2012 Apex

Irv said:
kingstonnh said:
Yikes, I'm not sure what to think now. I will keep an eye on it but very concerned that following the Yami book for break in I didn't seat the rings properly and it will burn oil forever. It's probably too late with 200 miles on it, but now I'm really going to beat it and see what happens. Thanks for the different opinions.....but I am freakin out that I f'd up my engine before I even had a good run ! I'll let you know what happens and if the usage lessens or goes away.

I assume your running Yamalube?

Don't panic yet as it just might be a break-in thing?

Personally I don't use Yamalube but I would continue to do so until it is changed the first time then I would have a dealer do it so you could retain the bill.

Ride it again and if it still uses oil, then it's time to talk to your dealer.

Just a side note, I have tried Amsoil in a few motors and never had good luck with it.
My Grizzly consumed it bad as did my pick-ups,, switched to Mobil-1 and the consumption stopped.

I also know a guy who was using Yamalube and had consumption issues, he switched to Amsoil and it stopped? Seems crazy I know, but both true stories.

What I am saying is, you may want to try another oil sometime and see what happens as the consumption may stop for some strange reason? :dunno:
Agree with this guy 100 percent :rocks:

Using the Mototune method is not designed to limit oil consumption.It is to seat the compression rings in.Which is whats required to make good power and compression.Oil consumption is controlled by the oil rings.They will never seat because they are to light to seat and were just designed to capture and scape the oil off before it gets to the main rings.I have had a few motors that refused to seat the rings but that was because of using synthetic oil and not having a proper hone for breakin.Diamond hone and breakin oil took care of any issues and breakins were done both hard and easy.Didnt make a difference.If your sled burns oil you will see it and smell it.If not then odds are you just didnt follow the procedure for checking the oil.
