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OK Broke last stud on carbides..Ride it or Not???


Lifetime Member
Oct 28, 2004
Chassell Michigan
2005 RS Vector ER
OK I pulled a boner while putting on new carbides and I over tightened the last nut and broke off the stud on the very back of the bar. Should I ride it like that or get a new one??? It seems really tight with the other 3 intact but I could see it catching and bending out when backing up or something stupid.

It should be pretty easy to weld the stud that broke off back on. If not, riding it might be O.K., but going 3 digits on the speedo down the trail.....personally I'd want all my stuff to be intact.


I've had this happen more than once, I have no problem riding with it like that. If it's the front stud or two you take a chance of the wear bar bending left or right and potentially causing a big problem. The rear stud or two won't hurt too much. Or weld a stud on like ecopter said.

I vote for the welding repair or replacement. Good point on the silver solder, hunter.

Man, you didn't want those bars going anywhere did you?
I'm gonna run it for now and avoid reverse I hardly use it anyway. It seems to be on there pretty good with the remaining 3.
When one break it wont be long till the rest start breaking!!! WELD it its cheap and easy! You wont have that happen with a Bergstrom 1/2 rod!!! ;)!
Yama-Crazy said:
You wont have that happen with a Bergstrom 1/2 rod!!! ;)!

I beg to differ! I was just installing new Bergstrom Triple Points on my sled and just as I seated the nut and started to tighten it, well. it let go! The bolt snapped off at the weld :o| On top of that, one of the Ski Savers also split.

There was no way that I overtightened the nut as it just got seated. Looking closely at where the bolt was welded, it was barely tacked at all.

Right now, I am very ticked as I have waited 5 1/2 weeks for these to get to my door, and now this! It seems that they have fallen behind in getting product out the door and in a rush, quality has taken second priority. After exchange rate and shipping and GST, These runners have cost me over $200!

Merry Xmas to me and Mr. Bergstrom will be receiving a call from me tomorrow. :o|

Here are a couple of pics:


  • DCP00604.JPG
    214.3 KB · Views: 103
