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OK, It's Pretty Slow Here, So I'll Post Pic Of Moose Lake


Apr 14, 2003
Reaction score
Western Montana
We hiked into this lake last Saturday, usually ride sleds there, have never hiked in, so I wanted to see what it looked like in July. None of the rocks are visible and only a few of the biggest trees are visible in winter.
Hey Treewhacker got any pics of the same spot in the winter so we can see the diff? Hard to imagine those tree's being buried in snow a picture would speak for itself.

Here are some pics from around the same area, but not taken from the same place as the other. The snow can be 100 feet deep in places.



No way, how tall are those trees? Not calling you a liar but those look awfully tall to get buried in snow-but if they do when can I come out?
100 feet man wouldn't want to bury a sled out there :( The pictures look awesome can't wait for Feb going to Stanley Idaho with some of the other guy's on this forum if it's anything like this its gonna be a blast.
The area around Stanley should look similar, I haven't been there, but it should be close to the same. The mountains in these pics are the Mt/Idaho line. It doesn't actually snow 100', but it drifts into the bowls on the downwind sides of the rides and it does get 100' deep in some of them. In some places the snow never completely melts.
i agree tree ha ha no pun intended

Hey treewacker,i totally agree,although i have never ridden in deep snow,i know first hand from sking in deep bowls here in N.H. MT. Washingtons upper bowl in july 4th 1974 we still had snow and deep ice slabs w/rivers running thru it,in the winter they say she fills up w/ nearly 100 ft.of the white gold,and our mountain is only 6,300 ft tall,so the big ones u guys have can most likely generate lots more snow in those huge bowls they have,still looks very COOL tree,keep the photos coming,cause its very hot and humid,it helps cool me off lol pete 8)
I know it's hard to believe for some of the guys who don't live in the mountains, but that's understandable. It sounds unreal. When they plow the Going To The Sun road here in Glacier Park, they cut through some places where the snow gets over 100 feet deep. Sometimes it takes them days to go a few hundred feet even in late April or early May.



