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Ontario Ty Ride 2015,

I wont need a hotel myself, I am just trying to figure out where to meet up.

In North Bay a good hotel for snowmobiling is the Travel Lodge Airport. It will however be very busy and is not the friendliest to the wallet.

There is the Sunset Inn that's right on the lake that looks nice. There are a bunch on Lakeshore that can also be accessed just by crossing the street to the lake.
I have been told many times that the trails through town are very low on snow at the best of times.

Checking online it appears that the prices are lower then previous years, looks like there is a sale on at the Travelodge Airport.

Do you need 3 rooms or do you have 3 people?
3 people, one room.
Just seeing this now... Been away for a while but back in action.
North bay is only one hour way for us so it could work out this year.
Last year I had a break down in transit.... Bet I heard you guys passing through our
Land on your way through baysville...
We have never done a ride like this before so it would be great,
Is it all a go?

Yep. Me and my son and I'm recruiting 2 more to come with us. More coming from your end of the province.
Unfortunately, we have to drop out. Just not working out logistically and timing wise.

Have a good time for us!
Hey Barry, sorry I had not seen your reply to this thread. Yes it is still a go. It would be great to have you along for the ride. We will be meeting up at the Travelodge Airport on the Saturday morning

Sorry to hear that it won't work out this year mooseman.
I'm trying like crazy to get up there... Not far to trailer just have to get
some work out of the way first. I will google the hotel should be easy to find.
Just to confirm its the 15th ?

Hope to meet you all finally.

weekend is coming guys!

kirkswim is a possible no atm as he had a crack up with the war last weekend. still feeling it and trying to get sled back together.
Ghost Rider, what are your plans?

Maim, it is only your group and myself and possibly ghost rider. If it is easier for everyone else and we can have more people come out we could move it to next weekend.
Unfortunately, it wouldn't help for me.
are we cancelling? kirk is a definite no now. you guys could come up here and ride for the day sunday. need to know to phone cory and hotel.
I have turbo problems again....easy fix but a lot of tear down
I will work on the sled tomorrow and see if
By Sunday I can be ready to go.....I'm only an hour away.
