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Phazer Cold Start/Fuel Pump


Jan 4, 2009
I picked up a 2007 Phazer Mountain Lite with about 1,500 miles. Started and ran fine first day. Second day, outside temp was -15F. Sled started up fine, we went for a 15 mile ride. Went to start the sled an hour later, and would not start. Motor turned over, but the fuel pump did not sound like it was kicking in. Brought sled into garage, and after it warmed up, fuel pump kicked in and sled started. Rode again, shut it down and after an hour, same thing happened again.

New to Yami and 4 strokes. Is this a recurring issue and is there a fix?

had same issue last week hope we can find a fix , dont want to be left stranded
i had a problem were the fuel pump didnt turn on and the motor turned over but wont start it ending up being a ground wire that melted in the ground block its on the oil take side covered in black tape in the wire harness the block is yellow if that help check it out heard its been happening to a lot of 07 phazers have and question pm me
I am a bit confused now. Sled started this morning, even with temps -10F. I will check out the ground wire suggestion.
I bet your problem is the fuel pump relay, it sits behind battery with several other ralays. what happens is there gets to be moisture build up because of snow melting and steaming up under the plastics and makes it condensate inside relay, then it doesn't work. Either take it out and warm up in your hand or easier yet put a hair dryer on it for a few min. in the machine and your good to go. The way to check is you should hear a click when you turn your key on down by battery. Good luck!
Weapon X said:
does the pod display flicker or anything when the relay is acting up?
No, you simply won't hear that cute little whining noise of the fuel rails getting pressure when you first turn the key. As described by Tbyrd, You should be able to hear and even feel the relay clicking which should help you identify the bad actor.

For what it's worth, this is not just a Phazer or even Yamaha phenomenon as other brand owners have reported similar situations with fuel relays. Kind of a pain but once you know about it you can deal with it easily enough.
I think maybe this happened cuz there was a patch of ice on top my battery and I think it was shorting it out when starting it but I did hear the pump pressurize the rails.
I have an 07. I had exact same problem. my fuel pump relay froze this weekend at minus 23C. Had to use a hair dryer. Did it 2 out of 3 mornings.
Have you found a permanent fix?
Weapon X said:
ya carry relays in my back pack

LOL, if we had to carry everything that could potentially happen on these sleds we'd need to tow a sled behind us. Albeit, that is a good idea!!!

List for tomorrows ride:

- Spare starter relay
- Spare Fuel pump relay
- rubber mallet for beating ice off tunnel/running boards
- hair dryer
- nylon string to tie up ball joints when they fall apart
- chemical heat pads for hand warmers
- booster cables
- spare plugs
- strap or rope to pull over via clutch if battery fails and no one to boost from
- metal gussets and more string to tie up rear link when it breaks
- extra filters for my MCX when it freezes solid and I get a rich condition

Anyone else wanna add to the list for a trouble free phazer ride?
