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Poo´s belt drive

Seems the MSRP for this sled has sent sticker shock on snowest(carbon fiber isn,t cheap).
Looks like art work. Yamaha would never leave it open like that and would have a cast iron cover on it. Law suits proof it...lol
great idea but BUT I don't like the idea off no tensioner device. Every cam belt I've EVER installed has had some sort of device to take up slack weather it be spring loaded OR a manual idler wheel. At least is looks easy enough to change on the side of a mountain.
Wonder if that belt drive must be covered, backcountry drivers have so much snow and stuff from trees inside belly pan usually...
We use one of these belts on a 150hp tree brushing head mounted to an excavator. Although partially enclosed there is more wood junk and snow thrown around that belt than I care to know, and it still lasts a good long time. So not sure you need to worry too much about snow or the occasional branch hitting the belt.

On the subject of tensioning, a streatched belt will eventually destroy the sprockets, so you don't really want to run one for very long. I've seen a tapered shaft used to install these belts to eliminate the tensioner, and ensure the proper tension and they work really, really well. Not sure if this is what Poo have done.

Appeals to my KISS principle...

I want to know how are you going to stop if the belt brakes. Looks like the brake is on the jack shaft. So when the belt breaks what's is going to stop you from hittin a tree or rock?
the tree or rock will stop you, haha jk. if it breaks you have no brakes, unlike on a skidoo with a c3powersports "syncrodrive" if it breaks you still got brakes because the brakes are on the drive axle instead of the jackshaft. on the farm theres a few implements that use a cog style flat belt. our macdon windrowers with double knife have to be timed perfectly, and they go 3 seasons without jumping a cog. our rem 3700 nascar series grain vac has a 4 inch wide cog belt and its capable of stalling out a 140 hp tractor without slipping the belt. as said before people have run 250 hp out of a ski-doo 1200 through a c3powersports drive belt without issue.
Top Fuelers running under 5 seconds and over 330 mph in the 1/4 mile, use these belts to run their blowers. A 2000 hp top fueler uses 450 hp to run the blower. If they can support that, they can run our snow machines.

These poly belts are a great performance adder over a chain and sprockets. For a typical off road machine like a quad or sled, every pound of rotating mass is equivalent to 7 pounds of stationary mass. In other words, eliminate 3 pounds of rotating mass and it is like eliminating 21 pounds off the vehicle. (rotating mass has to be accelerated twice each time you launch, once to get it rotating and again to get it moving in a straight line).

I once took the reverse gear out of a Polaris quad, about a 4 pound reduction, and the increase in acceleration could be felt easily. Anyone who road my machine would agree and would later do the same mod on theirs.

I wish there was a company offering a reasonable kit for the Apex,,,I would do it tomorrow.
I want to know how are you going to stop if the belt brakes. Looks like the brake is on the jack shaft. So when the belt breaks what's is going to stop you from hittin a tree or rock?

If your chain breaks and does not bind on the bottom gear you have no brakes. If the chain binds on the bottom which will happen almost all the time in my opinion you have a locked track and damage to your case.
it amazes me...all the hate for innovation/anything new or different...you know like everyone had for 4 stroke snowmobiles...(and you all fought against it)

fact is Polaris raised the bar...Belt drive is a stable platform period...

Why not embrace the target, and encourage Yamaha to re-raise the bar...
im not reading much hate in this thread, just questions about it. im glad polaris did this, it should have been on all the sleds 15 years ago, its not high teck, its been used for years. i would like to see direct drive and eliminate the chaincase completely. this is also old teck having been used by polaris on their 340 indys in the early 90s. the concerns then were with low torque 2 strokes, but now we have high torque 4 strokes that pull right from idle. it could at least be an option for the cruiser sleds to start with.
Yahoooo....my new sled...I am so happy with my 2012 RMK..I am buying another one for me...my son can have my 2012...this is nimble and so on and so on...not going to preach its not a 2-smoke site..but my yammie has a belt on the charger..and theres way more power than the poopoo..so I dont see any problems..just easier and cleaner to deal with than a chain when its time to change..lol.. :jump:
no I wouldnt sell my yammie...love boost..lol
This is not new polaris designed tech!!! Havent u guys heard of CMX??? They have had belt drives for years....where the heck have u guys been??

And for the guy who asked...i think u can get a belt drive for an apex from cmx.
grader said:
im not reading much hate in this thread, just questions about it. im glad polaris did this, it should have been on all the sleds 15 years ago, its not high teck, its been used for years. i would like to see direct drive and eliminate the chaincase completely. this is also old teck having been used by polaris on their 340 indys in the early 90s. the concerns then were with low torque 2 strokes, but now we have high torque 4 strokes that pull right from idle. it could at least be an option for the cruiser sleds to start with.
;)! ;)! That's what they should be looking at!!
smoothride said:
How do you tighten the belt an loosen it to get it on an off.

I would bet the top pulley is eccentric so you rotate it to tighten the belt up, essentially the hole in the pulley is not in the middle so when you rotate it will take up the slack in the system then you tighten the pulley down to keep it all in place.

Its hard to tell from the picture but it looks that way to me.
