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Real World 1500 Mile Low Down of new Ski Doo XR-S 900 Turbo vs. SideWinder

Millennials would rather play a snowmobile video game than actually ride, oh yea they have no money either and still live at home, mommy does the laundry and cooks too.

So in your opinion Yamaha is dead meat finished in the snowmobile biz?

How many chassis’s does yamaha offer in their lineup?

Did they engineer and assemble that chassis?

Do they have more or less model options this year than previous years?

Basically Yamaha doesn’t even make snowmobiles anymore. They supply an engine like Suzuki used too. Then they let some rookie engineers redesign the clutches so they blow up and send shrapnel into the riders leg....you be the judge.
2011 when Yamaha added exup.
I dont think they still made any more than 150 hp,remember when dynotech dynoed it,they did a few mods to get to those numbers,i had a 15 xtx apex and it was no faster than any of my 06,s or 07,s,but you believe what you want,its all good.
I dont think they still made any more than 150 hp,remember when dynotech dynoed it,they did a few mods to get to those numbers,i had a 15 xtx apex and it was no faster than any of my 06,s or 07,s,but you believe what you want,its all good.
I don’t think exup was faster than non exup was rated at 140 hp in the manual of my new 2007 Attack. Exup was used imo to have quoted hp of the 800 2s just easy for Yamaha to get there via exup and switch to premium gas. All our Apex xtxs and SE got 15mpg non exup Apex stuck at 12mpg. I never lined up Non exup Apex to exup Apex so don’t know how close stockers were to each other. Me and my buds all moved to exup Apex at the same time so no comparos to non exup. I’m sure others on here did go head to head and said exup was the faster Apex.
So in your opinion Yamaha is dead meat finished in the snowmobile biz?

They will be like Kawasaki in the PWC business. Build a few 1000 per year and call it a day. Very little or no new features. Good thing the sidewinder is currently the best snowmobile ever made.
....We have had a customer ruin a motor twice on a 900 Blizzard With few miles on it stripping the plastic pump gears.
This was my wife's machine if anyone is curious about the details, PM me.
We have several Apexes in our group. The 13 SE is a fine machine and clearly the fastest. My 06 GT may have given it a run but it takes my 07 Attak GT. Its no match for my Wiinder, especially in snow.
The few EXUP model Apexes I have encountered , my 2007 Attak GT seems to be faster than but it also seems to be faster than any Apex.... non charged. It has a bucket load of miles on it, last I looked it said 16.350 miles. I have ProLine clutching and a 136 Ripsaw II. I was in the UP with Don (VX1R) last week and we rode the last day with Red Beard, Yamadoo and Viper Dave and two others. I tried two of the sleds setup by Red Beard with the AirWave suspensions.......wow!!

One of the guys that rode mine asked me.......what the heck is done to your Attak? Man this thing feels like an Indy Car!! I immediately noticed once I jumped back on mine........wow this thing is much more responsive!

Getting back on track with the 900T. I saw a guy getting on his new 900T at Vansville Bar in Phoenix, Mi. I asked him how he liked it. He seemed a little down, claimed his buddies Doo 850 was beating him. I mentioned the Youtube shootouts had the 900T a hair quicker/faster than all the top 2 strokes but not in same ball park as the SW/TCat. He said that wasn't what he was experiencing. So then he had it flashed to 200 HP by Turbo Dynamics.....the 850 is still beating him. I told him something isn't right with his or his buddy is not being honest about the 850 Doo.
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The newer Apex with singleshot and the longer bigger Lug track wont even do 100mph gps unless conditions are perfect. My Viper is faster by almost 10mph on top end repeatedly.
I dont think they still made any more than 150 hp,remember when dynotech dynoed it,they did a few mods to get to those numbers,i had a 15 xtx apex and it was no faster than any of my 06,s or 07,s,but you believe what you want,its all good.

Only thing they did was add more fuel at WOT because it was a tad lean. Got 163hp. They did it because they figured Yamaha would fix the lean spot on production sleds. HP numbers are all over the map dyno wise and we should all know that a dyno is only good for testing to see if the hp went up or down from a change. Yet we all want to race the dyno, dyno tests vary from day to day and place to place. Now everyone argues the 163 Apex number is wrong yet they have no argument with the 204 Sidewinder number. Reason I bring that up is numbers have been less then 204 on the 998T when dynoed elsewhere but the gold standard still goes to the 204 number. My 1000 tripple Cat made 172hp and the sled hit 106mph on the GPS hardpack trail. Warrior made 142 on the dyno and hit 105 mph gps hardpack. My Apex is said to not make 163hp but only 150hp? and it hits 112mph on hardpack. Sidewinder made 204hp and 116mph on hardpack when it first came out and they invited the dealers to ride it. So maybe it is not all about hp after all.
Part of the equation is how well you can get that power to the ground. That was really apparent when I had my 2007 Attak clutched. It had to be seen to be believed.
Only thing they did was add more fuel at WOT because it was a tad lean. Got 163hp. They did it because they figured Yamaha would fix the lean spot on production sleds. HP numbers are all over the map dyno wise and we should all know that a dyno is only good for testing to see if the hp went up or down from a change. Yet we all want to race the dyno, dyno tests vary from day to day and place to place. Now everyone argues the 163 Apex number is wrong yet they have no argument with the 204 Sidewinder number. Reason I bring that up is numbers have been less then 204 on the 998T when dynoed elsewhere but the gold standard still goes to the 204 number. My 1000 tripple Cat made 172hp and the sled hit 106mph on the GPS hardpack trail. Warrior made 142 on the dyno and hit 105 mph gps hardpack. My Apex is said to not make 163hp but only 150hp? and it hits 112mph on hardpack. Sidewinder made 204hp and 116mph on hardpack when it first came out and they invited the dealers to ride it. So maybe it is not all about hp after all.

The Apex will remain a legend in this sport forever.
Part of the equation is how well you can get that power to the ground. That was really apparent when I had my 2007 Attak clutched. It had to be seen to be believed.
Your 2007 Attak is the most badass Apex I've ever ridden! Sometimes you just get a good one, and that one is for sure! Good meeting and riding with you guys!
There was someone here last year with his srx GPS over 120 completely stock with studs.
Just look at the numbers from new York this year.
Total domination by the T Cat and srx close behind.
Beat the 850's in every category, even 60 ft, how can that be, these big heavy tanks.....?
As far as hp numbers go, I have been a subscriber to dynotech for a very long time and every apex dynod 150ish, with one exception at 163.
EVERY winder dynod over 200 except one, and there were many.
It's not a fluke.
Winders and T Cats rule.
