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Remember the filter outerwear sock for Cold Air Intake !!!!

How did it go poof from plugging up the filter? Plugging the filter with snow would make it breathe less and make the A/F richer. I know that would not take out two cylinders. Unless the filter failed completely and let the snow thru into the intake, then I could a failure of snow taking out cylinders. Otherwise I don't see snow getting thru a K&N filer enough to do a bit of damage to the cylinders. It would take a lot of it in a big gulp to hurt anything. People run gallons of water/meth injection on turbo vehicles all day long and no damage comes from it. This doesn't add up.
I doubt it too. Probably blew a belt recently, bucket shim popped out partway, then rattled out the rest of the way while riding and dropped a valve.
How did it go poof from plugging up the filter? Plugging the filter with snow would make it breathe less and make the A/F richer. I know that would not take out two cylinders. Unless the filter failed completely and let the snow thru into the intake, then I could a failure of snow taking out cylinders. Otherwise I don't see snow getting thru a K&N filer enough to do a bit of damage to the cylinders. It would take a lot of it in a big gulp to hurt anything. People run gallons of water/meth injection on turbo vehicles all day long and no damage comes from it. This doesn't add up.
Not to mention those forward triangular vents have "Frogzskin" fabric on the outside. How did enough snow get past that to cause an issue?
It’s why I add a booster with every fuel up. Can’t see why his light didn’t come on or why ecu wouldn’t pull timing though.
Det light won't show up until it can't pull anymore timing. Let off, or cause damage.
Just pay attention to bottom of your sled and you will find alot of sand to wipe out… That is getting in and comes from snow … Seal all areas where plastic and metal bottom ends with a thin bead of silicone like you would if you were going water skipping .. In his case anything is possible maybe even water pump impeller???
Water makes it through kn filters. We have to use outerwears on our atvs
So he had no sock over his K& N on a cold Air Intake??? Yes water would get through a filter but enough to take out a cylinder ? Waiting tear down results and please enlighten us ….
One of the other posts here "Crispy" reminded me. The plugs looked perfect. No leaned out coloring whatsoever. Only one that was what was the failed cylinder.
Still diving into engine but the initial report is a valve keeper failure. No sign water got in despite the filter covered with snow.
