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Rider Forward?


TY 4 Stroke Master
Feb 27, 2004
Seacoast Region, New Hampshire
I love this whole "Rider Forward" stuff. Look at the damn things. For the most part they rotated the handlebars up and put a taller seat on them. Of COURSE the rider is going to be forward, you have to be more forward just to reach those handlebars. So now you're sitting up there 4 inches higher in the wind with very little windshield in front of you. I can guarantee you that those of you who lake race just lost some top end just because of aero drag from sitting so high.

One major reason for me looking towards Yamaha in 05 was because they did not have the "rider forward" design. Not everyone wants to ride standing up.

Other than cosmetics, I see no advantage for ME to look at a 06.
Having been a long term doo guy I've lived the whole rider forward "thing'. I believe it's way over rated! It may be great for snowcross, but Gee. Can't remember the last time I was in one!. From my experience, (o4 renegade) it puts too much weight on front end; ergo, harder steering and weight tranfer issues.

I bought 05 mach z thinking it would be less rider forward. Boy was I wrong. Front end heavy pig with zero front suspension to boot. Since I bought 05 warrior think I died and went to heaven! And you know what, I can still stand up and ride when I want to. I sure hope the warrior replacement isn't too "rider forward". studdog
From what I've seen with riding with Doo guy's on long trips that rider forward thing gives a lot of sore muscles at the end of the day. I hope this is not the case with the new lineup. :4STroke:
Good and cold. Ask a Rev owner how good it is. Ask a quy riding 60 - 70 MPH all day long on groomed Quebec Trails how his Rev soaks up those non existing moguls, and how he has to dress and put gauntlets on his handlebars because your hands freeze if you don't. Get ready for it, it is now the future of Yamaha.

I'm not arguing that the sleds are not a great advancement for riding bumps, but the fact is that there are a lot of us out there that DON'T ride bumps. Quebec is the land where the old Mach Z, XCR, Thundercat and SRX were kings for good reason. You couldn't give me a Rev to ride there, I would rather stay home.

That is why they sell taller windshields. Speaking of cold, the old Mach Z and SRX were much colder than any REV. Their windshields were only about 2 inches off the dash.
Yamahnator said:
You people are old. Rider forward is good!

Thats for sure. I like listening to the people bitch about not having the turbo from the factory when they only ride like grandma's anyhow. Must be a penis extension for most or a status thing. For those who take corners faster than 10MPH this new setup looks much better. Maybe if Yamaha came out with a trail groomer design sled with a full front windshield, am-fm radio and heat these people would be happy. 20MPH and a full windshield. Don't forget they do make aftermarket windsields! As far as rider forward it seems alot of people are comparing the rev to this new design they have never sat on. To me it doesn't look like you need knee pads to ride much like the rev.
LooseCannon said:
Thats for sure. I like listening to the people bitch about not having the turbo from the factory when they only ride like grandma's anyhow. Must be a penis extension for most or a status thing. For those who take corners faster than 10MPH this new setup looks much better. Maybe if Yamaha came out with a trail groomer design sled with a full front windshield, am-fm radio and heat these people would be happy. 20MPH and a full windshield. Don't forget they do make aftermarket windsields! As far as rider forward it seems alot of people are comparing the rev to this new design they have never sat on. To me it doesn't look like you need knee pads to ride much like the rev.

You're right, they DO make aftermarket windshields, but I shouldn't have to buy one to make a sled rideable in cold weather and high speeds. Don't know who you ride with at 20 mph, but I'm sure the new windshields will work just fine at those speeds. I just don't understand the logic of making every sled in the fleet a mogul mashing sno cross sled. What is wrong with a 200 - 300 mile per day high speed cruiser? That's why I bought the RX 1 to begin with and it rocks for this. I am 6'4" tall, and I feel no real need for my head to be 2 feet above the windshield on a sled. The RX-1 is bad enough, the wind hits me right in the top of the chest. These things will be useless. The HANDLEBARS are even above the windshield. Because of the design any windshield that would be any good at all would have to be so high that it looked completely stupid. They have turned them into motorcycles, but you don't need wind protection on a bike the way you do on a sled.

I can't wait to hear the opinions of guys who do high speed riding when they get on one of these. I already know what it will be. COLD.
race24x said:
Hmmm penis extension LMAO I ahvent figured out what this has to do with snowmobiling but I laughed my A$$ off anyway

Has to due with saying "I got a turbo"! Turbos are a must for people who can ride not who can order them as an option on their new sled just to say they have one.

I understand you concern but remeber not every shoe fits! There will always be someone that will be at a disadvantage for one reason or another and the manufacture can't make a custom sled for every persons indivdual needs. I'm sure being 6'4 is a disadvantage but proper clothing could also help in compensating your cold concern. As fas as lake racing the shorter windshield should help having less resistance. You don't ride sitting straight up while racing. Looks like enough window to duck down behind and still see where your going. Just my thoughts!
LooseCannon said:

I understand you concern but remeber not every shoe fits! There will always be someone that will be at a disadvantage for one reason or another and the manufacture can't make a custom sled for every persons indivdual needs. I'm sure being 6'4 is a disadvantage but proper clothing could also help in compensating your cold concern. As fas as lake racing the shorter windshield should help having less resistance. You don't ride sitting straight up while racing. Looks like enough window to duck down behind and still see where your going. Just my thoughts!

I guess my point is that up until it became the stylish thing to build sno cross replica sleds this wasn't an issue. I have no doubt that these sleds will handle better and ride nicer than anything Yamaha has ever made, I just hope that there is still a compromise on comfort for the high mileage guys like myself.
