Rx1 skis


Sep 20, 2024
Reaction score
Klamath falls, OR
All yamahas- mt max 700, vmax 600, and RX1 mountain
Well after 3 trail rides now i have decided my stock skis on the 04 mountain SUCK!!!!! Dart like crazy and follow grooves way too much. Can I get away with installing different carbides or should I just bite the bullet for a set of simmons??
Make sure your alignment is good before you buy new ski’s. Improper toe can cause your issues and will still be a problem if all you change is the ski’s.
X2 on what Yamajon1 recommended with checking the ski alignment first before doing. Regarding different carbides, what I found when running the stock ski on my 136" RX-1 was that although the Woody Dooly's did help with darting, the Simmons ski performed much better and would also get on top on the deep snow. The stock skis would always be buried. The only time the Simmons didn't shine was in the loose slushy snow.
Should skis be 1/8" toed in?? That's what my 41 ford calls for hahaha but honestly not sure? My bars are crooked while going straight also, an alignment is definitely on the to do list
Should skis be 1/8" toed in?? That's what my 41 ford calls for hahaha but honestly not sure? My bars are crooked while going straight also, an alignment is definitely on the to do list
Toed out
Toe in promotes darting.
Polaris Gripper skis are quite good. I have tried C&A Pro XTX, SLP Powder Pro, Polaris Gripper and C&A Pro MTX is now coming to test...still waiting more snow.

Gripper is light to steer and no darting problem.

My sled is 2006 apex GT with 144" track
i love the 09 apex mtx ski. at 1/8" toed out they float well and turn well in pretty much any conditions. for off trail they are my go to. trying a set of curve mtx skis this year once trails open. curve xs do steer and float well as i have run those before with good results.
