SE ride quality - Compared to LE Qs3r

Any thoughts on why the 137s feel nose heavy.

It feels nose heavy because they have a ton of Ski pressure. When I had it 8 feet in the air it didn't feel like it was nose heavy at all

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I have the LE XTX 137 with the QS3 shocks, have to say it is as smooth as butter through the giggles. Even threw my wife on it, switched the shocks to the low settings. And she got off after twenty miles and said I have to sell the FX Nytro XTX and look for another SW. So that was good and bad. lol
Just sold my nytro xtx after the wife rode my sidewinder I'm looking for another!
I wanted to understand what Yamaha delivered. I'm new to Yamaha. I know, weird! Lol. Stock carbides & no studs.
I'm still debating studs. Have 144 1.375's???? Also watching to see which pattern. Didn't want to damage louvers.

I'm sorry, Dan.
Now after having mine all apart,i cant see what they think the lovers do,other than weaken the tunnel. How can these things appear to bring in cold air,as the gas tank lays directly over them,and the seat over that,just cant see its worth.
My local dealer has a brand new orange and black for 13k

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That's a great price,and now have room to add the LE shocks you may want Dan!
My dealer has a orange and black 137 for 13k

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She had a pink and silver rage and wants a pink wrap so I'm hoping 2018 brings all black or else I'll have to re powdercoat stuff!
Schauer power center Union Grove WI. No snow here at all so they want it gone. Ask for Larry Roberts he is the store manager.

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I'll run it by her I'm gonna need gearing and a tune she will be passing me on my BTX trail riding! Can't have that!
From what I hear from multiple people is they come with to much front ski pressure so what they are saying to do is lossen the front shocks up and tighten the front skid shock .. so it add more track pressure less ski pressure
Agree. AND WAY to much with aftermarket skis and more carbide. They are probably okay for pure stock.
I would love an LE with the Qs3r...ride seems fantastic. Still undecided on what I might do, but after riding Toms turbo this week for 110miles I sure miss big top end arm stretching power. My gps and radar gun have been lonely for awhile now never seeing much over 111 since I went over to doo. LOL


It seems if I do something this season, it will be an SE. Not by choice but it is what it is.....So i would like to hear from those with SE models, and better yet 129 SE, as Im nothing but a short track guy with our tight trail system and really dont want to argue track length.

So lets hear about your SE and how the ride quality is....I see the specs show RC shocks up front, Im assuming that is a one clicker knob deal(similar to me doo X) with NON ressie style coilover....How well do these front work on sucking up junk?

Out back, it seems things are more basic....and this is where I worry, as the LE setup is so nice with the QS3 in center and rear. Would like to hear the good,bad and ugly about SE rear ride quality.

may end up having to wait for 18 to get LE , but I do like the price better on SE..LOL

Why are you torturing yourself over here. You already know the answer...
Agree. AND WAY to much with aftermarket skis and more carbide. They are probably okay for pure stock.
Thanks. I had USI skis with single 7.5 in carbides. Switched to duelies and took 1 1/2 turns off front shocks. Huge diff. Had to put the turns back but duelies are very much less agressive than singles.
I just installed the C&A RZ skis with 9" shapers how do I lighten up the ski pressure

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Dan not much yet but I did start a thread on the 137 LTX-SE. I will be adding to the thread with more seat time soon

IMO the 129 would be better if your a turn burn to turn guy.. I kind of wish I would have gone 129" Kind of early to say in concrete but its getting that way for me.. They just (137") seem so nose heavy.. Mine is still a work in progress

had a 129 in the first turbo procross...hated it ...two 137's Ive had are way better IMHO
