SE ride quality - Compared to LE Qs3r

LE has rebound on center shock. Shock is awesome. Spring is no good(helper spring). Rider weight from 300lb trail rider to 150lb XC racer. Pretty much wrong for all if riding hard. Can be adjusted enough but then you lose almost all benefit of the dual rate setup.
There is rebound adj.on the center shock ? I did not see this. Ski shocks and rear skid, yes. Are you saying the center shock needs CRAZY preload to work.
She had a pink and silver rage and wants a pink wrap so I'm hoping 2018 brings all black or else I'll have to re powdercoat stuff!
Dranttels Sales and Service in Saint Peter MN has a Black LTX - DX in stock if your looking for a balck one
There is rebound adj.on the center shock ? I did not see this. Ski shocks and rear skid, yes. Are you saying the center shock needs CRAZY preload to work.
I am sorry no rebound on center shock. Was trying to make a Sidewinder guy not sell his and had to really make a lot of adjustments. Was all wrong. Hopefully he decides to keep but sure wasn't happy with the hard steering. Seemed much better after adjusting. Yes center shock on LE needs CRAZY preload to work like 6 full turns in. 1/4in gap. Thanks SwampCat for catching that. In middle of a big shock job and cutting a tree down. Between that and dead batteries on two of my machines not going well on my day off!
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Ok then I will leave it for now. I'm off on a 4 day ride ride starting this Friday

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May want to just loosen and then retighten the cheap preload nuts and use the cheap stock tools otherwise you wont be able to adjust if needed on your trip. For me new torsions are broke in 300mi or little less but I have no idea how hard your ride and jump it.
Ok guys....after catching up.....Im not sure anyone really answered me? LOL

Plain and simple, will the SE shocks ride anywhere near as amazing as the almighty QS3r setup? I only ask cause I can only buy a SE right now, otherwise I will just wait for the LE spring order.

Also, im gonna be setting up buddies SW LE 137 here this week, skis and suspension to get rid of the crazy heavy nose/steering feeling it came out of the crate just bizarre they can let a sled come out setup like this with skis that were designed for EPS and ZERO transfer.

Will report back once I get this LE dialed in, dying to see if I can make it as fun and light/playful as my 1200XS is, which is etec like in tight stuff now with my setup.

Dranttels Sales and Service in Saint Peter MN has a Black LTX - DX in stock if your looking for a balck one
I'll check into it I was hoping for a stx dx for the lug height but I will prolly do a 1.75 backcountry swap anyway so that wouldn't matter. Thanks
Ok guys....after catching up.....Im not sure anyone really answered me? LOL

Plain and simple, will the SE shocks ride anywhere near as amazing as the almighty QS3r setup? I only ask cause I can only buy a SE right now, otherwise I will just wait for the LE spring order.

Also, im gonna be setting up buddies SW LE 137 here this week, skis and suspension to get rid of the crazy heavy nose/steering feeling it came out of the crate just bizarre they can let a sled come out setup like this with skis that were designed for EPS and ZERO transfer.

Will report back once I get this LE dialed in, dying to see if I can make it as fun and light/playful as my 1200XS is, which is etec like in tight stuff now with my setup.

Dan both the skid shocks have rebound or just the rear?
I certainly can't answer you exact question...but I can tell you this. I love my LTX-SE Leaps and bounds better than my previous procross chassis sleds in both 800 2 stroke and 4 stroke. I think it handles great (minus shitty ski's) I have done very little tweaking and it just keeps getting better. I DO NOT feel it is front end heavy at all. Only thing i need to elminate is the push in the corners, and that is a direct result of the crappy tuner 3 skis. Going to try a set of 2016 Procross ski's this weekend. If i were you...and I was a month ago. (I bought an Axys 800 Pro S switchback and put 13 miles on a Saturday...sold it Sunday...bought a sidewinder Monday) I would not be afraid of buying an SE if thats all that is available. The money savings will be good as dealers will not want to sit on inventory (I paid equivalent of $12,500US) , plus you will be riding THIS year not next...that's worth something to me anyways. For sure there will be improvements for 2018...but there always is. Like you I bought a 2012 cat turbo when they first came out...I swore up and down I would not make that mistake again buying first year iron...but guess is short, if financially doable, buy now and ride the hell out of it for rest of year.
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on another note...and please people don't bash me for saying...if you are ok with Team clutches....there are thundercat's and zr 9000 LTD's out there available on showroom floors that have the qs3r. A friend of mine already wrote off his sno checked thundercat, and was able to buy another one.
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When I first drove mine in the light snow it felt like a plow in the front. Track spinning to get the front end moving. Feels fine after 30-40mph. I am used to a ski doo XRS800 and I know it's a different animal but it would be nice to have a lighter touch to the front end.

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on another note...and please people don't bash me for saying...if you are ok with Team clutches....there are thundercat's and zr 9000 LTD's out there available on showroom floors that have the qs3r. A friend of mine already wrote off his sno checked thundercat, and was able to buy another one.
For sure they are out there, but aren,t they a lot more money ?
