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(Season 2008-09) TY Mileage – Yellowknife

Great news!

Nice to know Yamaha stands behind their product.

They know how valuable a customer and sled tester you are for their 4 strokes.

Way to go Yamaha ... this is one guy you want to keep on the team!

its nice that they approved your phazer motor,
but it sucks royaly for your friends nitro with only 155km's on a new motor, should at least have 60 days warranty on a new engine, his oil tank was full in the morning and almost empty 150 km later, dealer error or defect somewhere?? customer should not have to live with that. does yamaha expect you to check oil level every hour in these vehicules cause some people will do damn near that mileage in an hour. I think your friend got hosed big time by his dealer not going to bat for him, I know if I was a dealer and a customer came back in after 150km from when I put in a new motor in his sled with it being blown-up, I would take care of it pronto and make sure the customer did not spend 1 dime, something was definetly wrong or not tight enough with the sled when it left the dealer to blow-up after only 150km. did this sled have a 3 year warranty on it?
I tell ya, you guys do it right. You have more fun than most I have come across. Seems like a great group of guys with alot in common.

I cant imagine the amount of fines I would dole out in Wisconsin for going onto public land, cutting trees, and building a tent.

thanks for the great thread..... if we ever meet up. Cold beer on me.
I haven't spoke with Brian about his Nytro failure in a while, but the dealer says he told them he rolled it, resulting in the oil loss, and afterwards the engine failure occurred.

I don't recall Brian rolling his sled before the engine failure. He rolled it afterwards so we could steal the gas out of it for Nate's sled. Is that when he lost all the oil they are saying he lost? If so, that's got nothing to do with the failure, it was after the fact. I don't know how hard Brian fought over the issue.

I agree with everything you said, but on the flip side, both motor failures he had were out of warranty, and the dealer went to bat for him and got him that second engine after a long battle with Yamaha - do you think they stand a chance now?

My Phazer has 3 years of warranty yes - his sled didn't have any during either failure.
point the dealet to the youtube video. that might help as you filmed the gas stealing and the towing for the motor.
Sleding Weekend Number Seven: December 13th, 2008

It was –36 degree’s. Myself, Greg and Nate were planning to trailer out to Tibbet Lake to ride the unplowed winter roads to Gordon Lake. Friday night I had to bring Greg’s sled (on the trailer) close to a power outlet so it could be plugged in. As I pulled away from the side of the road, I busted off my newly installed trailer lights…see video.

Saturday morning, despite being plugged in all night, Greg’s sled wouldn’t even turn over. Why? See video.

We ditched Greg’s frozen sled at the dealer and Nate and I headed for the plan at hand. It was fricken cold on the hands and toe’s. What broke? See video.

After surviving Saturday, we held low till Monday when it finally warmed up. There’s so many trails that nobody has been on yet – maybe because of the cold weather, I dunno. Usually everything is broken in by now. I’m still breaking trail everywhere I go for the first time this year.

Monday night we tried breaking trail through Pontoon and Bighill to Egg Lake and Duck Lake, but the ice wasn’t safe around Egg Lake with the creek’s still running. So, per usual Nate style, we busted trail through bush and up rocks, encountering such dangers as this…

I fell through between 2 rocks when I went to walk around my sled!



Good times.

Tuesday night, again due to warm weather, Greg and I headed out for a 1 night stay at the wall tent. See video...

Sleding Weekend Number Eight: December 20, 2008

Again with the –36. What the heck??

Nobody would come to the wall tent with me because of the weather, so I went alone – I left from town and again had to break trail between two area’s (Prosperous and Prelude Lake)…

Saturday during the day at the tent was a complete gong show. No video of it, but basically I spent all day trying to make the Power Auger, the Chain Saw, and the Generator work. The video has a few details on what happened, but no actual footage of me losing my patience with the stupid equipment at those temperatures.

Sunday I got up, ate and it was time to ride after having wasted so much time Saturday. All the cold snaps have caused a lot of ground water to come upward and make cool designs, or a big mess, across trails and shorelines…


I rode and rode and explored area’s I’ve never been, breaking trail between Hidden Lake and Sparrow Lake, then to Bliss Lake, where I headed north and just missed two moose…see video.

All in all it was a great Sunday of riding covering 253 km’s (158 miles) in 6 hours and 46 minutes of riding…


Sleding Weekend Number Seven: Video Link

Sleding Weekend Number Eight: Video Link

Sleding Weekend # 9

Earlier in the week myself and Nate headed into Tartan Rapids and destroyed every section of powder we could. It was cold. This has been the coldest December I have ever seen….



Christmas Day a few of us headed out for a ride…

Margaret borrowed Greg’s Bearcat…

And then this happened…(see video)


Boxing day was a write-off, but Saturday Nate and I broke trail from Reid Lake down through Great Slave Lake, but not before this happened…(see video)

We attempted the old Francois Winter Road, and we were so close to making it through all the way but were cut short cause I couldn’t find the rest of the trail. Some old building…

We put on 223 km’s Saturday (140 miles)

The Nytro ran out dry from 40 litres (10 U.S. Gallons) at 181 km’s (113 miles), breaking trail, WOT lake runs, so I was impressed with that mileage at 11 MPG. Remember low gearing but Sea Level clutching, and a flimsy 153 inch track.

Sunday I went out myself and broke trail from Defeat through to Great Slave Lake through Cityboy. So much cold weather, nobody is out, and trails are untouched even after 9 weeks of riding time.

The Phazer’s engine showed up this past Tuesday and will have work done to install it this coming Tuesday. The Nytro is at 6,900 km’s (4,300 miles) and still ticking…

No luck figuring out what’s wrong with the generator yet. They’re still working on it. Zoom zoom. Dealer checked on recalls for my Nytro and nothing for my VIN.

Sleding Weekend Number Nine: Video Link

With all the fox you see, why dont you carry something to harvest them things. Would pay for your gas for the day. They dont seem overly scared.

Single shot with some number 4 buck would take them out all day long.
