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(Season 2008-09) TY Mileage – Yellowknife


Well, if there's every any further detail you require, even if it means getting things down on paper for you to help the cause, don't hesitate to ask for anything at all. Thanks for all your support!
What happened? Well.......

Sleding Weekend Number Eleven!

Friday night myself, Janice and Greg headed out to the wall tent again. We trailered with the Power Wagon. It was –40 all over again. I’ve never seen such a cold winter here.


We got out no problem, warmed up the tent and watched some TV! Lol

Ever see a bottle of Captain Morgan freeze solid?


The big guy needs his captain!

Later that night we had a visitor…

My BVS is not his home, so he traded places…

We had this on the menu that night…

Saturday morning we got up and set some fishing lines after breakfast and cut some more firewood…


Manual Auger all the way baby!

This was my first trip with the new Phazer motor! Man she purrrrs like a kitten. I had forgotten what the motor SHOULD sound like.

I installed some new hand guards from Yamaha, and so far they work great! (see video)

Unfortunately I have to go through a painful break-in again, but I’m doing it by the book just like last time in hopes that this engine will last longer, if in fact I keep it long enough to find out.

The Nytro, well, it was perfect timing for the Phazer to be ready because the Nytro is down for the count with an oil leak. From what I can tell, the oil pressure sensor at the crank has lost its seal and is dripping oil. The problem was, I couldn’t identify the slow leak. My engine compartment was loaded with snow, and that snow was soaking up the oil – so there were no visible signs of a leak looking under the sled’s belly pan. It was after I thawed it in my garage that I seen a pool of oil and melted snow. It was the final straw for the Nytro, and it is at the dealer awaiting a long list of repairs including the following:

For both the Nytro and the Phazer, I would like to install a tether switch to prevent the sled from running if it tips over in the powder and I fall off.

For both the Nytro and the Phazer, I would like better hand warmers. The stock ones are too weak. It could be worth a discussion to see if we can rewire the stock ones to pump out more juice. Right now the stock warmers do not work below 4500 RPM, and even then they do not get enough voltage.

The shocks on my Nytro are finished - I'm riding on the springs now. I don't want to replace them with the same shocks, they are low quality. I'm interested in high end HPG rebuildable shocks, maybe GYTR's or Ohlins, or the Fox shocks - i'm not sure what will fit from other models in Yamaha's line-up but hoping for some options and prices. I'm looking at both front shocks and both rear track shocks, and springs accordingly. I know the 2009 MTX came with better rear shocks but I'm not sure what kind they are. I definitely want rebuildables.

- my right rear idler wheel bearing is toast and needs replacing
- I need my ball joints checked, there is a lot of play in them and they might be shot
- I think the exhaust donuts and/or clamps are shot, there appears to be exhaust gases spraying into my engine compartment and I got a backfire for the first time
-My reverse lever needs to be replaced.
- My emergency brake cable snapped inside the cable housing and needs to be repaired
- I'd like my clutches looked at for wear and tear, my ramps and arms might be worn out
-Pulsating brake issue - when I apply the brake, it shutters and vibrates like a warped disc or air in the line

I spoke with the dealer about the hand warmers. From what I understand, the ECU controls the voltage to the handwarmers. This amount is not adjustable. By-passing the ECU to throw more voltage results in an error being displayed on the speedometer by the ECU, and there’s risk of frying some electronics in the process. The issue is not the quality of the warmers, but the voltage they get. At this point this problem is going to remain. I’m hoping Yamaha is working on a fix to at the very least fix and future models. I’ve been dealing with the weak warmers on both sleds for 2 years, so I’ll just continue to do so.

As for my ball joints, I had a look at them again comparing to the Phazer, and the lower A-ARM that they attach to is completely removed from the ball joint and the arm is actually wearing a hole right through the spindle. Yikes! This has happened to both of my sleds at the same mileage.

Back to the weekend, after fishing/wood cutting I went riding…so slowly, trying to break the engine in at –40. The sled ran great, but I had to take a few breaks inside the tent to warm up. I did get some great pictures – going that slow (40 km/h – 25 MPH) you have a lot of time to look at stuff while riding lol



My experimental photography…



Catalogue shot for Choko Snowmobile Suits

What little daylight we had, gone…

Later Saturday night it was time to retrieve the fishies…



And dinner preparations…


I have no idea what is going on here, feel free to provide captions…

Sunday we got up and I did more riding to break the motor in, Greg did more fishing, and Janice hung out at the tent. I did a little bit of reviewing on the Phazer in the video, showing a few problem area’s with the design, and I also outline the hand guards I purchased…

Everything was going fine the whole weekend until Sunday night on the way out…see video’s…(p.s…which one of you called it first on the Power Wagon Engine?)

Sleding Weekend Number Eleven Video Link: Part One

Sleding Weekend Number Eleven Video Link: Part Two

Hello Yamaha are you listening to Allen, as you can see this guy knows what he talking about, and is using your product in some pretty extreme conditions. Yamaha if you would like to continue to gain snowmobile market share, you to listen to the consumers and fix there issues. Ie lets not offer guantlets as a fix to sub par hand warmers, you know they suck, lets get em fixed!


Sorry for the rant and great report as usual, hopefully you get on the horn and complain about the horrible service that you ecounter from your roadside program. 40 mins in -40 could be really ugly.
No problem Hornet. They're listening. I'm confident they are doing what's required within a practical business sense to get the handwarmer issue solved.

I think people get irritated with an issue like this because it seems like one of those problems that shouldn't occur.

Everyone wants the best technology, and they want it yesterday, so that pushes things out the door faster than ever with a rapid pace of technological change. I think we all understand issue's that can arise with product improvements, but we become frusterated when it is something that seems simple and unchanged year to year like a handwarmer. It would be interesting to hear what changed to cause Yamaha to go from the hottest handwarmer's in the business to the worst. One would think with something like this, you'd stick with what works best - but if it isn't a product quality issue (cutting corners), and instead an oversight then there's not much likely to happen to the thousands of units out there, it costs money to go backwards (recall/repair) and prevents a business from moving forward.

Do we want a sled that is perfect but 5 years behind everyone else, or will we accept growing pains in order to keep up with consumer demands of new new new? I'm guessing we can't have it both ways.

Daranello, I've heard the fox shocks are blowing seals at -30, Fox is aware but there's nothing fixed yet at the consumer level.

I'm told all of the Nytro XTX shocks will fit the MTX
Yeah I had problem with my F7 and my buddy's CF1000....once they warm up it come back to normal, but its not a shox I recomend for the type of riding we do
Do we want a sled that is perfect but 5 years behind everyone else, or will we accept growing pains in order to keep up with consumer demands of new new new? I'm guessing we can't have it both ways.

Yellowknife, you hit the nail square on the head with that statement right there!! So many consumers want something ground breaking released every year! Far be it from me to stand in the way of progress I like new technology just as much as the next guy but it would be nice to have these awesome products that we have now stay current for more than a year or two! The manu's are forced to put out the newest and greatest and instead of having lots of time to work with and test they're on to working on next years release in hopes of taking over or gaining market share! Advanced technology has got us where we are today which is a good thing, I don't want to be riding 90's era sleds anymore, but I feel it is being driven ahead to aggressively these days! Anyways, enough of that!

Good report as usual, looks like another adventurous weekend had by all. Good luck with your pickup situation.
Yellowknife, I ride in -30 or plus, just like you, the Fox Floats are perfectly fine so far. I like them better then the coil shocks because I can adjust them to however I like. I think they would be good if you got them.
Great Stuff Yellowknife,

Not only entertaining, but extremely informative.

Looks like you have a good group friends with diverse talents. Always an advantage.

Don't laugh guys when I attempt to start my RS Venture GT in minus 20 something F tomorrow morning.

I'll post a vid on the Yamalube Project thread.

Keep up the superb posts.

All the best! ;)!
what kind of oil you using in your PowerWagon?

you may have to install an element in the oil pan to work with your block heater, maybe just need 20 minutes of it running to get the oil hot & flowing faster.

I did not like the sound your truck made last sunday when it was only -27 after 4 days of -40, it sounded like a diesel, and you said you had the generator running for the block heater then?
