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Lifetime Member
Dec 5, 2012
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Baldwin, Mi
Paris, Mi
I am interested in possibly getting a Phaser. Is the seat comfortable for long ridez. If not does any one make a wider seat for it. For my riding I think it is perfext for me. Just don't know about the seat being so narrow lika a dirtbike . I sit 95% of the time .Thank You
In one word, no. My son hated it with a passion. It would kill his tailbone on long rides.

Unless you're a stick figure, it won't be comfortable. Haven't heard of any custom seats for these. Might have to get one specially made from a used frame.
I rode a Phazer for 2 years when they first came out. I had no issues with the seat,(aside from it being a bit too low.) However, I only weigh 160, maybe a heavier person would have different opinion.
The seats are not very comfortable on a phazer for a long ride. there great for standing with the narrow seat. If I remember right somebody made different seat for them but I don't know who it was.
Couple of issues I see with the seat for long rides having ridden my son's a few times:
- not much foam to the seat
- narrow
- the back end is sloped to much ... as you ride it's hard to stretch out from time to time as the slope keeps pushing you forward back to the same spot
- to low for medium to taller riders

It's fine for short trips or half-day rides. Anything longer get to be a PITA (pun totally intended - LOL)
wrp made a seat for the phazers that was taller than the stocker. never sat on one myself. i was thinking about doing it to my 09 until my brother bought it from me. might order it for him as i am thinking about getting a kit for my 16 apex and see if they would combine the shipping.
Yes.. WRP makes a more cushy seat for the Phazer, I owned 2 phazers a 2010 RTX then traded for a new 2014 XTX, I had the WRP seat on the XTX, and yes WRP seat made a big difference especially if you like sitting and riding, it comes fully assembled and is a direct bolt on, my XTX was a great trail sled and rode better than the RTX were it has the longer track more stable, with rider forward comfort and great for breaking trails, they are not the fastest top end but very respectful to about 70mph, I do miss mine, I have sense moved to the Apex.
I want to get the WRP seat for my Phazer but they are not in stock on their web site and I cannot find one anywhere. I might just take my seat to an upholsterer and get them to make it like the WRP seat.
I'm not sure but I think WRP sold out to I think seat concepts, I did look on Wrp website and they showed the Phazer seat complete for $349.
I took my seat to an upholstery guy that redoes sled seats. he is making it higher and wider for me. I have not got it back yet. told him I was not in a big hurry winter is over anyway. when I get it back I will post a picture of it. only costing me 200 to get redone. cheaper than buying one.
That would be nice to see how it turns out, looking further at the seat for the Phazer from Wrp it appears to be sold out, some upholstery guy's can do a very nice job building up the Phazer seat for better comfort at a better price compared to WRP.
I must be the only one that likes the stock seat? I've put many 300+ mile days on my Phazer and I don't have a single complaint. I actually prefer it over my vipers seat and at 5' 11' and 190# I'm not exactly a stick figure.
well on the one i had, the foam was beat in the trail riding position and it was starting to hurt my knees to ride it.
