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Ski shimming

40th RTX

Oct 14, 2009
Altoona, WI
I have a 2008 40th Anniversary Nytro RTX. I have read on some of the discussions about turning the rubber blocks around on the skis and shimming them with 1/8 or 1/4 shims. Where do you get these shims or are people making thier own? What excactly does it do?

40TH you are looking to get the front of the carbide just off the ground, on the concrete of your garage. You have to take the rubbers off to do it anyway so just try flipping them around. It gives you the perfect amount of shim on the Nytros.
Yeah, the carbides are wearing up front on the bar and the actual carbides hardly seem to making contact.
I'm in the same boat. 2nd set if carbides in 1100Mi are almost gone. Front edge is worn away to the ski, but the carbide is mint. Made 1/4 in plastic wedge to add under the rubbers.
