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Skinz new front end

scmurs said:
Off Trail Mike said:
Also, any bending of the steering arms reported? I bent my RHS steering arm...likely my fault, but no big hits that threw me off, and everything else is perfect. I tried to straighten the arm but man it is STRONG! Barely moved it under all my weight. Must have taken a hard jolt jolt somewhere along the trail, but clearly the a-arm and joints are tough.. Will pick up spares from Skinz over the summer.


This is the first that I have heard of bending a tie rod. They are made of solid 3/4" 6061 aluminum. I'm sure the existing bend in the rod had something to do with you bending it more, but they are strong. Wondering if a gusset type plate welded on the inside of the bend may be a good idea???

Not pointing any fingers, but there isn't a side hit that you remember that could have caused this?

I'll follow up with SPG and see if they have any ideas.



No intention of saying anything bad about the steering rods, merely curious, and sounds to me like there haven't been many. And having tried to straighten one, I can confirm that they are VASTLY stronger than the stock arms.

As you can see from the pic, it bent behind the curve in the arm where I'd expect any normal steering rod to bend from a side shunt, so I don't think the curve in the arm was in play. Gusseting might help, but if something has to give, better the steering arm than anything else. It simply took a BIG hit somewhere this winter. Its tough to say where as I have had just a "few" Nytro test drivers who wanted to try the front end and were absolutely floored by the difference in handling.

All this just confirms to me is the front end is tough and up to the job.

Big decision now it whether or not to equip the XTX with the same over the summer....but I am sure I know your opinion on this one!


I am curious do you find yourself sidehilling on your right side more then you do your left. everyone one has a side they feel more comfortable on. why i ask is because in a side hill you are obviously counter steering on the opposite direction meaning the right steering rod is fully extended away from the center of the sled. With the directional force on the rear end of the ski trying to straighten the ski is being applied to one end of the steering rod and the force of you turning the handle bars in the opposite direction to keep the sled on edge is being applied to the other end of that rod there is some force on that rod. When you combined with the heavier front end of these sleds and rider forward poostion, it all adds up. It is obvious that the type of snow you are riding in plays a role as well.
I am not too sure it was a big hit either. With the right leverage applied in the right direction, things can bend pretty easy, especially since the tube is aready pre-bent. I may also be way off base here it has happened before

Its very possible it took a hit while sidehilling, as snowpack sucked this year. I'd say I prefer sidehilling on the left which puts the right ski out of the snowpack. It also means I am weaker on the right so not as precise. Out here we do far more boondocking given the short elevations we play in.

It simply took a hit somewhere, and it had to be a pretty big one because you don't bend these like the stockers. They are MUCH stronger. The bend in the arm doesn't help, but using bigger solid rods probably more than compensates for it.

I guess what I am saying is carry spares.....I do for the stocker arms and I will for these too.

I got say, after riding my sons 2011 Nytro all weekend, The Skinz front end is well worth it. I had a little mishap a few weeks ago with my sled. Borrowed the kids 2011 Mtx SE.

I can live with the back suspension, but man did I miss the Skinz front end from my sled.

It is a challenge to ride, after being spoiled by the Skinz Suspension.

Now the decision for next year, boost for me, or new front end for the kid.

Decisions, Decisions!
swelly said:
I got say, after riding my sons 2011 Nytro all weekend, The Skinz front end is well worth it. I had a little mishap a few weeks ago with my sled. Borrowed the kids 2011 Mtx SE.

I can live with the back suspension, but man did I miss the Skinz front end from my sled.

It is a challenge to ride, after being spoiled by the Skinz Suspension.

Now the decision for next year, boost for me, or new front end for the kid.

Decisions, Decisions!

Boost, let the kid suffer while you enjoy :jump:
The poor skinz boys and their front end kits are getting slammed on SW again over the hiem issue. It is a real shame that this nagging issue puts such a bad light on something that seems to be such a good improvement to the hanlding of this sleds. It will be interesting to see if any thing developes over the off season to offset some of the bad PR they had this year
That Sucks, cause they sent out new joints to everyone who bought a front end. Not to mention they are offering to machine and install even larger ones off season if you think you need em.

I for one can vouch that they are tough. Mine took a direct hit from another sled. The Skinz pieces came out fine, the shock and sub-frame are another story.

Can not blame anyone except myself and the other rider.

To me Skinz is a top notch company, and all the vendors that sell their products are also.
swelly said:
To me Skinz is a top notch company, and all the vendors that sell their products are also.

I have to agree on that one. A big thanks to both skinz and oft for their great customer service. I got my updated heimjoints shipped with express mail from them.

Not to mention how well the suspension works. Its a new sled ;)!
The other thing to remember is that Snowest is the arm pit of the snowmobiling world and little should be taken for any real credibility over there.
judger101 said:
are the new skinz front ends coming with the 5/8 heims?

Yes they are, and they have offered to retrofit any existing 1/2" lowers.
rlcofmn said:
The other thing to remember is that Snowest is the arm pit of the snowmobiling world and little should be taken for any real credibility over there.
Well, a place with users that keep slamming a four month and ALREADY SOLVED issue should not be rated any higher...It would be interesting to know how many of them that have actually got a problem with the heim joints in their own Skinz front end...?
