Soft breaks


Feb 10, 2015
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SRX700 and Sidewinder XTX LE
Today i started up My sled After summer storage and notice that The brake lever can be pushed all The way to The handelbar. Tryed to bleed it but no air at The caliper.
Anyone seen This before?
You could have a leak in your brake line and or brake assembly. Guessing your brake fluid has leaked out..
You tried to bleed it ? did any brake fluid come out?
You could have a leak in your brake line and or brake assembly. Guessing your brake fluid has leaked out..
You tried to bleed it ? did any brake fluid come out?
No leak, fluid level is ok.
Took a short ride and its getting a little better.
Can't press it all the way to the handelbar now but still not as distinguished as it use to be.
You may have to bleed it some and add fluid up top.
this is what I do to get air out of fluid.

Loosen bleeder screw on brake assembly (8mm I believe). Dont allow fluid to drain out.. Once loose finger tighten.
I then go to using my fingers to loosening and tightening screw while working lever.
I loosen screw slightly by hand, then pull brake handle(fluid should come out & air possibly) then BEFORE releasing brake lever I tighten the bleed screw.
Repeat this several times and refill the top reservoir if needed. Make sure the brake fluid level in reservoir by brake handle does not get to low while bleeding as this can cause air to enter fluid.
Its kind of a timing thing with this process. Open screw>pull lever>tighten screw>release lever. After 3-5 times I will start to work the lever some with the bleed screw closed and see how its working.. This is the process I use and have never had a issue. Maybe someone else knows a better way? Once you do it a few times you will get the feel for it and its pretty easy to get the brake handle nice and firm.
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Gravity bleeding also works most of the time, cap off resovoir bleeder screw open with a hose on bleeder to direct fluid to a container, make sure to keep resovoir full while gravity bleeding. I suspect moisture has entered your brake fluid causing spongyness, and at times will cause a slight brake drag, due to moisture. Moisture in brake fluid expands with heat, had this happen with a few sleds after a summer storage.
Gravity bleeding also works most of the time, cap off resovoir bleeder screw open with a hose on bleeder to direct fluid to a container, make sure to keep resovoir full while gravity bleeding. I suspect moisture has entered your brake fluid causing spongyness, and at times will cause a slight brake drag, due to moisture. Moisture in brake fluid expands with heat, had this happen with a few sleds after a summer storage.
And cover any painted surfaces up with a lot of rags. Brake fluid will eat the paint right up.
try something dumb 1st. loosen the master cyl cover. this happens to me on my atv and motorcycle when they have sat for a bit without use. they come back on the next application when i do this and the lid is a bitch to remove as it is holding a vaccume on it.
This is what worked for me on my winder when I couldn't get a good feel. Somone on this site said to leave the parking brake on overnight. Check the feel and see if it is better. I did this twice and the second time I did a final 2 squirt bleed to evacuate any remaining bubbles. I have a really good lever feel now.
There is a chance you have air up at the brake handle as well. It is very difficult to get air out; up that high in the system just using the lower bleeder screw.

I would take the top off reservoir, fill it up (if needed), Pump up pressure with the handle and hold - then crack the banjo bolt on the handle bar a few times. Then go down to the assembly and do the same to that bleeder. That way- you will be ensured to get all the air out.
Make sure your caliper doesnt have a seized piston. Ran into that on mine yesterday.
