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Somethings bent, Shock hit upper a-arm UPDATE! OPINIONS?

Call Yamaha directly and lodge a complaint...no sign of impact = not covered? That's garbage! Yamaha should really step up to bat and cover this. I mean what is the purpose of a warranty?

I was in the same boat as you and refused warranty.

You know how I thank Yamaha now? Anyone on the trails that I meet asking me about my Nytro...I tell them of my subframe issues and refusal of warranty. I'm sure I've given enough opinions that have swayed some potential Yamaha customers from buying one, and that's what Yamaha should be worried about, word of mouth advertising, positive or negative.

If only Yamaha would honour their warranty and admit that there is a problem with the design of the Nytro subframe, fix it right at their cost, and help past customers out.

Yamaha is number 3 in sales for a reason...start listening to the customers.

Based on yer results it sounds like they have a Yamacorp standard answer written already... The problem I have with turning it in as an Insurance claim besides the obvious its simply "fraud" is the fact that it washes Yamacorp from ever having to replace the Substandardframe ever and you just accepted the responsibility for a Substandard part... I have a whopp'n $200 ded. on my ins so cash is not the principal here its the simple fact of not covering a Defective part...
I too joined the shock not centered on the A arm club. Hit a rock or something climbing a small burm. I was bearly moving. Climbed the same burm as the other guys in our group that day. Ski Doo's, Polaris's, and older Yamaha's. There sleds were all fine, but not mine.

Anyhow. I asked my dealer to give me a price on the subframe.

Dealer said that Yamaha is not making any more subframes this year and parts won't be available til next September. Hopefully this newer version will be stronger than the previous versions. :o|
I have ridden over 2000mi this wint right here and couple of my buddies have totalled 3 machines before we had snow. does that make the machines at fault? do the math!!!!
Deerhunter that is EXACTLY how I felt and I am still feeling from a very similar situation!

sgilbert consider yourself lucky! You think hundreds of people are lieing about similar issues? Isn't the fact that Yamaha has changed it three years running enough proof? And yes 2010 are still bending!!!! Heck Yamaha factory racers don't use this frame, take a look. They got sick of them bending too and now they have a solid block of alum. SAYS ALOT FOR THERE CUSTOMER SERVICE AND SUPPORT. Sorry for the rant.
YamaMTX said:
Deerhunter that is EXACTLY how I felt and I am still feeling from a very similar situation!

sgilbert consider yourself lucky! You think hundreds of people are lieing about similar issues? Isn't the fact that Yamaha has changed it three years running enough proof? And yes 2010 are still bending!!!! Heck Yamaha factory racers don't use this frame, take a look. They got sick of them bending too and now they have a solid block of alum. SAYS ALOT FOR THERE CUSTOMER SERVICE AND SUPPORT. Sorry for the rant.
luck has nothing to do with it, have tweeked mine twice and pulled it back. 100% my fault for hitting something. could run my pogo yamis into a wall and not bend them, but I dont see yami going back to them. I do believe it could be stronger, but dont expect yami to stand behind a machine I wrecked. I dont believe in warantees anyway, I bought it in cash and wont get the extended warantee, its my problem now, just the way I like it
Yamaha did the samething to me when I needed to use my warranty, told me to turn it in to my insurance. Our group of riders (some ride 7000mi. a year) make sure to get the word out about yamaha every chance they get, it's alot!! I enjoyed my nytro but they sent me away.

Next years ride 800 rush R

11gal. fuel tank

hand warmer that work

464 lbs.

i have bent mine twice loading it on my trailer sucks but it is really easy to fix just hard to bring 2x4 with me lol after the second time i think i will extend the lip on trailer
I took a grinder and rounded the front of my wear bars so it slides on the trailer without catching the edge. It also helped on railroad crossings and concrete pads.
nytro bent subframe

I guess i have also joined the bent subframe club! I was told by dealer it was a bent spindle and a-arm and i have also not hit anything nor rolled the sled. Yamaha has no warrentee if you ask me. I was told i must have hit somthing. Funny no point of impact on mine either....
