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Sorry, gotta vent.....

Re: I heard only good things about the 1200 doo?

jds1000 said:
gems4sale said:
I'm up to 4600 km's on the XTX Nytro. I'm not so sure I love the Simmons ski's. The make the steering very heavy on warmer days. Stock ski's are almost better if you have a sore shoulder...LoL
Buddy who has over 3000 miles on a Nytro with no slider wear must put his miles on with the track spinning in mid air. HeHe Even in deep snow they wear down fast. Driving normally. That means like most of us ride...
I'm ready for my third set of slides. The second set is worn past the wear mark but I might have another 250 miles left...

I keep reading about guys burning sliders with thier Apex's and Nytros and I wonder what do you guys ride on? I put 4500 miles on my Apex before changing them and they still were only half worn. I now have 3500 miles on the wifes Nytro and they still have half left. What am I doing wrong? Or should I say right!

2500 on mine and if it wasn't for terible conditions last weekend mine would have easily gone another 1000+

JDS1000 wrote
"I keep reading about guys burning sliders with thier Apex's and Nytros and I wonder what do you guys ride on? I put 4500 miles on my Apex before changing them and they still were only half worn. I now have 3500 miles on the wifes Nytro and they still have half left. What am I doing wrong? Or should I say right!"
Probably your not holding it WO for long streaches. Maybe your driving more civilized with your wife. Many of us are out racing around like young Mario might have if he snowmobiled... Driving on low snow conditions or driving after a warm day then it freezes the next will kill a set of slides pretty quick. New slides can practically wear out 90% in 10 miles if the trail is hard frozen and your driving 60 mph.
i also have 5000 miles on my sliders but i havent hit any bad trails either one bad section can destroy a pair of sliders real quick. i learned with my rx1 ice scratchers are the way to go for no snow
Many of us are out racing around like young Mario might have if he snowmobiled...

For your information young Mario did snowmobile. He was big into Arctic Cats and he rode with the Unsers who were big Polaris fans. They did most of thier riding in Chama New Mexico. :jump:
jds1000 said:
Many of us are out racing around like young Mario might have if he snowmobiled...

For your information young Mario did snowmobile. He was big into Arctic Cats and he rode with the Unsers who were big Polaris fans. They did most of thier riding in Chama New Mexico. :jump:

I remember now Al Unser Jr had a turbo before... I seen it in a magazine article. It would be neat for one of those guys to give a write up about the sleds today...
I've been getting between 3,000 and 4,000km out of every set of hyfax on my Yamaha sleds since 2004. But I do "anneal" my hyfax on the first ride when they are brand new. This amounts to several stops every 10 - 15 minutes to kick snow on the hyfax and let them completely cool down, which takes 5 - 10 minutes at each stop. This effectively hardens the hyfax, and seems to make them last a whole season.

That's not going to stop me from getting a set of those new scratchers from the 2010 Nytro MTX SE for my XTX though. I like the idea of a little piece of mind when the snow conditions deteriorate or get really hard. Helps keep the engine cool too!
