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Spark Plug Boots

My boots on my 04 are all black and sooty,I plan to talk with my dealer about them as well.Does not seems right.
stick coils

the stick coils on the 03.s are a differnt part number than the 04/05,s that use the same. how ever the part number changes up to the 04/05 when you order the stick coils for the 03.s. ow yes they are 121.00 dollers in canada :(
If I understand you john, the change of caps was made between 03 and 04 correct?
I too checked my plug boots, the two in the midle are clean but the two others are black and sooty, actually the other one is more brown than black. But there is no leak (spark to valve cover).

I also checked the part no. on the plug boots and here they are.

03´ RX1 plug boots 8FA-82310-00-00
04´ and 05´ RXWarrior 8FA-82310-01-00

It appears that they have changed the plugs from 03´ to other types on 04´ and 05´

I sure would like to know if they can be warrantied, so i don´t spend big $$$ on new ones.

I'm confused Ernie, if you have an 04 why would you need new one's when you just posted that the 04 and 05's are the same???
My '04s leak (spark to valve cover)


Any aftermarket caps available?
stick coils

it,s called carbon trace. the same thing happens in side automotive distributers. i just clean mine with break clean and silcone the little rubber tips back on to seal up any air gap and coated the out side with paint on el tape. note clean them inside and out.
I just had one of mine arcing to the head cover. Still original plugs in my '03. The plug tips have two grooves worn in them by the two wires that contact them inside the plug cap. Dealer checked in his book and the only bulletin was one on misses caused by these grooves resulting in poor contact. It said nothing about arcing to the head cover. The dealer service manager recommended cleaning out the boots, replacing the plugs and then checking to see if there was continued arcing. This seemed to stop it but I am still noticing the slight variation in idle speed of 100-200 RPM as happened when it visibly arced. Price per coil/boot was $130 canadian. I totally disassembled the offending boot and could find no carbon tracing. I will monitor this and report back what happens. Let's keep this post at the top for a week or two please.
This is an update. My dealer is replacing them, but they are on backorder. Was in yesturday and they finally got a date on them.
This is not an update in Canada. The dealer service manager did not know what is different about the '04-'05 ones compared to the '03's. We took one apart and there was no visible difference. I think the key is to really keep the boots clean. The carbon arcing I was used to in electronics is where a charge burns a trail to ground through whatever the insulator is -- phenolic, plastic, etc. Then there is a continuous path to ground and little or no spark as with distributor caps. I found no evidence of this on the plug cap. I think the carbon-like dust is the conductor path. I will report more on this once I have ridden more in the next week. In Canada the '04's still have warranty as they came with two years whereas the '03's only came with a year which is well over now. If, as some say, this is an update, do us '03 owners a favour and post the update or it's number.
Snomad said:
This is not an update in Canada. The dealer service manager did not know what is different about the '04-'05 ones compared to the '03's. We took one apart and there was no visible difference. I think the key is to really keep the boots clean. The carbon arcing I was used to in electronics is where a charge burns a trail to ground through whatever the insulator is -- phenolic, plastic, etc. Then there is a continuous path to ground and little or no spark as with distributor caps. I found no evidence of this on the plug cap. I think the carbon-like dust is the conductor path. I will report more on this once I have ridden more in the next week. In Canada the '04's still have warranty as they came with two years whereas the '03's only came with a year which is well over now. If, as some say, this is an update, do us '03 owners a favour and post the update or it's number.

YOu sure that the 04's have a 2 year warrenty in Canada
I am sure that the year after I bought mine Yamaha gave two years warranty. I was pissed they did that. It was enough that some "updates" were necessary on this first year machine but we also got screwed on the warranty buying first year. It was one more thing that devalued the sled last year too. The overproduction and resultant carry over inventory of '04's(at highly reduced prices right now, I might add), certainly doesn't help either. Perhaps the dealer was throwing in the available extended warranty last year but I don't think so. Right now, an '05 comes with two years and a third year is $250 I think. Pretty good deal now.
Thats if you can find any 05's. Even the 03 and 04 carryovers are going fast now. most dealers hardly have any left around here. But I will ask my dealer about the 2 year warrenty on the 04's, you could be right.
First time trying to change plug 2007 Apex.tried for 20 minutes to get it out then decided to loop a 1" tie down strap around the too while twisting it. Popped right out!

This IS the plug boot. Right?

If so it's time to find the plug.

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