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Split Rail Skis - ordered


Lifetime Member
Mar 3, 2005
Reaction score
western Massachusetts
I figured there are enough posts asking about these, with much speculation for and against the design, that it is well time someone ponied up and gave them a test run. The order has been placed. The Nytro spindles are scheduled to be machined the week of the 23rd. So hopefully they will be in hand by early Feb. If anyone is considering trying these, they are producing 300 sets this season, and purchasing direct from Split Rail is the only option. I'll supply more info and pictures when available.
what about off trail or fresh soft groomed trails, looks like the will be on the hard pack all of the time.
Indy said:
what about off trail or fresh soft groomed trails, looks like the will be on the hard pack all of the time.

you would think a sled would sink on water.... but it don't if your going fast enough
They are supposed to be great in all conditions from groomed to powder boondocking. Supertrax mag loved them when they tested them. They cost 800.00 but the show price was 750.00.
bjowett said:
I figured there are enough posts asking about these, with much speculation for and against the design, that it is well time someone ponied up and gave them a test run. The order has been placed. The Nytro spindles are scheduled to be machined the week of the 23rd. So hopefully they will be in hand by early Feb. If anyone is considering trying these, they are producing 300 sets this season, and purchasing direct from Split Rail is the only option. I'll supply more info and pictures when available.

Brian, I'm sure you will love that ski ;)!
Those skis look like the real deal. Reviews say they have excellent flotation. I'm sure a physcicist/ physics professor could explain how they work.

They look pricey, but if people who use them like them I'd be intersted. As said, they are making them soon to fit the Apex I've heard.
