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Stud Removal


Apr 14, 2011
Naperville, IL
I want to omve studs on my track to a different part of the track. Will leaving the holes left by the stud be a problem at all?

From what I've read studding a track can shorten its life. IMO If your planning on taking out studs and drilling even more holes in the track to change the stud pattern then you'll probably be shortening the life of the track even more.
bottlerocket said:
Not studding a track will also shorten your life....
LOL.. that's true..and I guess I should have added that I stud my track.. Its kind of a must round where I ride.. we get alot of hard icy conditions especially late season.
Couple years ago i decided not to stud as 1/2 of the members will tell you... Anyway not here where I ride will I ever go without studs! :o|
I ride mostly groomed trails, icy much of the time. I have 96 studs down the middle and 2 studs on the outside every other row for a total of 144. I bought the sled with this setup. I was thinking of removing the outside studs. Any opinions on the 96 down the middle vs all 144 with studs on the outside? The sled is an 08 Nytro.
