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Supertips bushing


TY 4 Stroke Junkie
Nov 10, 2006
I got a problem with the bushing in the weight,it is always sliding on one side with centrifuge force of the clutch and hardly move on the pin when append.I have to remove the weight,tap the bushing and reassemble.

How can i prevent the bushing from sliding?

Did you install the shims on each side of the bushing? There should not be much room left, with these installed.

You might want to consider replacing the bushing. They fit very tightly. If it is moving, it needs to be replaced.
Same problem , weights have less than 400 miles on them. Proper plastic shims are installed but bushing still binds up the weights movement. What about removing bushings , applying loctit and reassemble ???
sledhead_dan said:
Same problem , weights have less than 400 miles on them. Proper plastic shims are installed but bushing still binds up the weights movement. What about removing bushings , applying loctit and reassemble ???

I was tinking the same, put green loctite but don't know if it work.
