Tall nut or standard nut ??


Nov 23, 2008
Reaction score
Wabash, IN / Cadillac, Mi
I Just got 144 132.5 Woodys Gold digger studs for my FX Nytro Std and I must Have gotten some that where last years because they have the standard (small) nut. I am going up North (Mich) Sat. Does the nut size make that big of a differance? Can't get tall nuts till Monday Should I wait to get Tall nuts or just use what I have? thanks
stopdropanroll said:
Wait......they are worth it, ran 114 with tall nuts last year with no bent or broken studs. Do it once the right way and be done.
Thank's I will wait.
Does anyone know if the tall nuts that woodys is packing now with 132.5 and taller studs are Aluminum or steel. I know they make a tall aluminum nut but do they make a tall steel?
Depending on the length will depend on if you can even use the tall nut. Some one tell me if I am wrong but I have roetin hornets 1340 which I think are the same as the 1.325s and I ordered the tall aluminum nuts and they were to tall for the stud. The nut did not go all the way onto the stud. THis may be the same case for you but if not I have tall nuts that are brand new and could sell them to you for a deal if you want them. I would check to see if they will work though. I wanted to use them but the stud just wasnt tall enough. If you want them pm me
Don't double them up. I did that last year. Did the tall ones then the regular ones on top. It vibrated like crazy. Took the short ones off and it's perfect.
1.325's make sure you get the 1/2" nuts I believe. There are some 3/4" nuts out there as well and it looks like the nylon lock will barely hit the threads.

Edit: what Rich has. Get the .450 nuts.
