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Thunder Products (Big Venom Viper kit) with Heavy Hitters

Okay guys, did a little testing again today. Best BV set up for groomed trail conditions today was 3/4 set screw heel, 3/8 aluminum and one thin washer middle, 3/8 steel with one thin washer tip, secondary wrapped 6-1. Good rpms and top speed of 105 on plowed road. Might have been some light track spin, but was stable at 105 for 200 feet or so.

Best set up for jumping off trail was same but secondary wrapped 6-2. Held rpms better under load in deep snow. Top speed was also 105 on that same plowed road.

Still tweaking, but happy with results today.
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Okay guys, did a little testing again today. Best BV set up for groomed trail conditions today was 3/4 set screw heel, 3/8 aluminum and one thin washer middle, 3/8 steel with one thin washer tip, secondary wrapped 6-1. Good rpms and top speed of 105 on plowed road. Might have been some light track spin, but was stable at 105 for 200 feet or so.

Best set up for jumping off trail was same but secondary wrapped 6-2. Held rpms better under load in deep snow. Top speed was also 105 on that same plowed road.

Still tweaking, but happy with results today.
Okay guys, did a little testing again today. Best BV set up for groomed trail conditions today was 3/4 set screw heel, 3/8 aluminum and one thin washer middle, 3/8 steel with one thin washer tip, secondary wrapped 6-1. Good rpms and top speed of 105 on plowed road. Might have been some light track spin, but was stable at 105 for 200 feet or so.

Best set up for jumping off trail was same but secondary wrapped 6-2. Held rpms better under load in deep snow. Top speed was also 105 on that same plowed road.

Still tweaking, but happy with results today.
Great job , the rain took care of most of my snow, any word from nos pro on that heavier Allen screw to see if we can eliminate hitting the limiter on take off.
Yes, I found some and have a couple sets coming. 1 set brass, 1 inch.
Okay guys, did a little testing again today. Best BV set up for groomed trail conditions today was 3/4 set screw heel, 3/8 aluminum and one thin washer middle, 3/8 steel with one thin washer tip, secondary wrapped 6-1. Good rpms and top speed of 105 on plowed road. Might have been some light track spin, but was stable at 105 for 200 feet or so.

Best set up for jumping off trail was same but secondary wrapped 6-2. Held rpms better under load in deep snow. Top speed was also 105 on that same plowed road.

Still tweaking, but happy with results today.
Awesome. Thanks for the share.
Okay guys, did a little testing again today. Best BV set up for groomed trail conditions today was 3/4 set screw heel, 3/8 aluminum and one thin washer middle, 3/8 steel with one thin washer tip, secondary wrapped 6-1. Good rpms and top speed of 105 on plowed road. Might have been some light track spin, but was stable at 105 for 200 feet or so.

Best set up for jumping off trail was same but secondary wrapped 6-2. Held rpms better under load in deep snow. Top speed was also 105 on that same plowed road.

Still tweaking, but happy with results today.
How were the revs at launch and top-end?
How were the revs at launch and top-end?
Good. Just a touch of over rev at launch from a dead stop, and 8800 on the top. I hit the rev limiter once at launch in thin snow, but not at all in deeper snow.
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Anyone tried the 14,8 mm rollers yet? 14,8 mm rollers and remove washer from tip. Faster upshift at launch without hitting rev limiter?

Funny you say that as I just got my rollers from Lonn at Thunder Products....14.8mm rollers to test with.
Good. Just a tough of over rev at launch from a dead stop, and 8800 on the top. I hit the rev limiter once at launch in thin snow, but not at all in deeper snow.
Interesting, I always thought you needed to clutch the viper for 9100 rpm on top.
Interesting, I always thought you needed to clutch the viper for 9100 rpm on top.
9100 will put you too close to the rev limiter. Changes in conditions and temp will put you into the limiter. Last night a 7 degree difference gave me more rpm and I was tapping lightly on clean trails. Even though there is more power at 9100, 8900-8950 is a much safer target area as conditions affecting final rpm vary widely. I will probably add tip weight so that when the temp drops I will not be in the limiter. I will sacrifice a bit of rpm when it's warmer out, but you have to compromise somewhere.
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All I can say is Thank you to SnoNinja for posting these great results ;)! His setup is not far off from mine and the way Lonn sets them up..... But with all the info I receive, I can give these results to Lonn so he can be very perticular with the way the weights need to be setup for your application.

This was a goal to get a larger lug track, basically all stock Viper (except for clutching and a sandale muffler) to hit 105-106mph. This proves that it can be done with a good clutch setup. :)

Lots of phone calls, lots of PM's between all of us, but seeing is believing

Today I was testing the 14,8 mm Thunder shift rollers with the Big Venom kit and stock primary spring. Very nice and smooth. Faster upshift.



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Was this setup with or without the glide washer's, nice job either way.
My setup is with de glide washer

XTX -14 mcx190 with mcx race header.
HHY-58. 1/4" allen, aluminium bolt and 3/8 steel bolt in tip. 9000-9100
Okay guys, did a little testing again today. Best BV set up for groomed trail conditions today was 3/4 set screw heel, 3/8 aluminum and one thin washer middle, 3/8 steel with one thin washer tip, secondary wrapped 6-1. Good rpms and top speed of 105 on plowed road. Might have been some light track spin, but was stable at 105 for 200 feet or so.

Best set up for jumping off trail was same but secondary wrapped 6-2. Held rpms better under load in deep snow. Top speed was also 105 on that same plowed road.

Still tweaking, but happy with results today.
Snow ninja you are running the 8dn correct, glide washer's or without, also are your clutches machined for overdrive or just coil bind?
