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Timbersled Mtn Tamer issue ....


Feb 10, 2009
Alberta, Canada
Hey all.

I just got my new Mtn Tamer bolted together and back where God meant it to be. Noticed an issue while spinning the track (Pc).... the new dual limiter straps just touch the tops of the driver knobs located on the inside of the track (where they wrap around the cross shaft on the rails..) Just barely touching now, but will get worse as the hyfaxes wear away ..... (as we all know they will!)

Other than trimming off the knobs 1/2 way (which I'm not crazy about...) or whipping up some sort of new cross shaft to add some distance .........

Anyone else notice or have this issue?


I have the same setup with PC. Noticed the same thing. Have some wear on the limiter strap loops.

I told Allen (at Timbersled) about it, he didn't seem too alarmed. He told me, "They do rub the track some times. I would just keep an eye on it. I don't think it will cause a problem."

So far, so good, just keeping an eye on it now...

gonna try to rig up a bracket to mount the x-shaft higher up off the track ..... here is a pic (sorry it is dark...)...

.. I really don't want to trim those lugs down ..... not running boost, but still don't want to ....


  • issue.JPG
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  • rub.JPG
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ahhh, I clipped those little nibs off, as I went with Avid Drivers, and they wont work with Avids...
So here is the "try" at a remedy ..... I pushed the limiter straps together at the top as tight as they will go against the shock mount .... if the straps hang straight down they are just rubbing a hair on each side. I made a little bracket out of some Alum which bolts on through the strap bottom bolts to slightly pull the bottoms together to fully clear the sides ...... we'll see how this works this weekend...

If that doesn't work ... I might denubbify .....
On on my fourth set on an XTX just on the chain case side though and maybe an inch above the bottom loop. Getting tired of this actually broke one set
I made new spacers for the bottom shaft to move the limiter straps clear of the nubs. Mine was bad enough that I didn't even want to try to run it like it comes.
Looked at mine tonight and have the same problem but just half of my limter straps are hitting the nubs. I think I am going to call TS just to see if I could get some backup limiter straps for now.
My little bracket seems to be working fine and used my factory plastic spacers on the bottom... just trimmed to fit properly.

Yukonranger: Love your area of the country! Spent July up there just touring.... and looking for a place to move to .... love it. I could only imagine the sledding ....
jteets3 said:
On on my fourth set on an XTX just on the chain case side though and maybe an inch above the bottom loop. Getting tired of this actually broke one set

So, just clip the nibs, it takes like 5 minutes...
