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Track Clips ? Every 3rd or fully clipped?

Slush Monster

Feb 29, 2004
Snow belt WI.
Picked up my new rage and I see the track is clipped every 3rd and also
every 3rd window is closed. All my yamahas have always been fully cliped.
Why clip every 3rd ? I drove a rx1 mountian that had this setup and noticed some vibration from the track at higher speeds 40 mph+. Do you
warrior guys notice any track vibrations at speed? I think this is the same
setup as my rage. Have any of you guys ever cut out the closed windows?
And added in the clips that were missing. I dont care abought alittle loss on
top end,If thats the reason for the missing clips, I am always off in the
boondocks. For me the smother the better. So what have you guys found
to be the better set up for my aplication? I would also like to get a better
track clip tool $100.00 range. Anybody have any info on a good tool for
instaling trackckips on the camoplast ripsaw? I think I saw one on the
high performance web site. Thanks for any input! :rocks: ;)!

Wouldn't you think that if there were fewer clips that the rubber of the track would have more friction than the clips themselves? It probably wouldn't make any difference at any speed once moving, but starting from a stop it might grip a bit. But if there was any problem it probably wouldn't be on the sled.

The closed window issue is opinions of many. And I agree with both of them.
The only reason i can see to cut the windows is to add extaverts..

I had a viper ... The slides wore out very fast..every 6-800 miles!

My 04 warrior got 1370 on them and i replaced them now during the summer but they could have gone a little longer..

To answer your question.. NO it seems very smooth at hight speeds!!
The only reason to punch out the closed windows is so that extrovert drivers can be added, and even the guys that do this don't always add the clips (they let the extroverts grip the rubber in the holes).
In warmer conditions, when I would start moving my sled would kinda shutter. I figured the problem was the hyfax coming into contact with the rubber of the closed window very similar to a sneaker on a gym floor. I added slp anti wear pads this summer hoping it will take care of the problem. Here's a link showing them. The illustration they show is wrong; it shows the head being round, they are flat like the head of a stud only thinner.

http://www.startinglineproducts.com/Pol ... rpads.html
The only reason you would need to clip every window is if you are going to use Hyperfax. Something about the material in the hyperfax, it does not like coming in contact with the rubber of the track so you need to clip every window.

Thanks for the input. So what exactly is the thinking behind leaving out
2/3 of the clips? Seems like alot of pressure being placed on the remaining
clips. Anybody know where I can get a good track clip tool for the ripsaw?
I've heard that too (to keep the snow in). I think the main reason is weight savings. I believe it is a couple of pounds per track. To compensate, the rubber in the track is made a little more slippery. I've noticed a little more slider wear, especially when they are new, but the rate of wear soon goes to almost zero. I usually get 6 to 10 thousand km's out of a set.
