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Tunnel Close Offs

I hear you , makes sense i have the schmidt brothers in it how and helped a lot about the same as my viper maybe less ..... maybe i will fig. out how to heat the tunnal ... put a rear window defroster it there now that would work....

Just thinking out loud, but you might be on to something. What about runnung some gutter heaters or something like that on the protectors or under the tunnel?
actually 2 years ago...I talked to rock.. (ala yamaheater) theres was talk he could incorporate a module for a tunnel heater element ....under tunnel would get destroyed...over tunnel maybe

that said...the best idea is to se the heat from the exhaust as your heating element...theres plenty of heat there...
the only relief available would be if the under or over tunnel exhaust somehow touches the tunnel itself to wick heat from it to the tunnel...

when the tunnel gets heated....the temp differentail is equalized and no icing will occur....as a matter of fact , one will see more lubrication of the slides....and possibly better performance from less drag...
