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Turbo Head shim?

both if your running a head in high elevation head shim sucks take off is really slow but it comes around if your in low elevation like me 1500 ft it works great and u can use pump gas since i miss up the crank on mine and got it tore down i thinking its comeing out and running race gas
head shim

We ride 3000 to app 6-7000 feet. 3000 or 2700 feet is where we take off. we spend most of our time from 4-5000 feet Playing and boondocking. Home is like 500 where we first road it.

I was planning on running the Torco add.
and 95 to 102 act. dep. on what I need and 12-13 lbs of boost.

AK I got your message on the other Topic page.
Mechanic's book

Where can I go to get a mechanic's book to do the motor without getting in trouble on this site. I don't want to go to the local dearler. I don't care for them.
head shim

would it be safe to run 12lbs of boost with 102 oct. and no head shim at 3-7000 feet. spending the hard riding at 3500-4500
I am running my mcx turbo with no head shim on 100ll at 10 lbs of boost at 3-7000 ft elevation. I won't go any higher until I put 110 race gas in it. Even if you have to turn the boost down a pound or two' do it and run without the head shim, you will have much less turbo lag and you probably won't mis the 10 hp or so lost on the top.
running race gas is it wore it i really wont to do i dont need any more boost just dont like the cost
I don't know if race gas is worth it, is the extra 10-12 hp you can get on race gas worth the cost to you? Running with no headshim, 10 lbs boost, and 100ll is a very effective setup that I would recommend to any one. It is not too expensive (100ll is about half the price of race gas) and makes good hp. I am running a mcx kit with no headshim, 9-10 lbs of boost, running on 100ll and I figure I am making about 125-130 hp. It is very snappy and stretches my arms out nicely.
i am taking it out and running race gas sounds like it will be saver for the motor i cant afford it blowing up again i got the mxc kit to the little time i ran with head shim in it worked really good 1500 but when i want to 3000 feet there was no take off at all had to feather real bad but when the boost was going it was going good
My sled has been running the shim from 0 -5000 and the lag is not bad, The guy I bought the sled from was running around 10,000 and it was bad. If you have a bad lag at 3000 ft with the shim something is not right.

Remember keep the engagment over 5000, wrap the header, I would modify the stock exhaust, And move the airfilter out from under the seat.
head shim

I plan on running 102 oct. and no head shim. but I ride mostly form 3500-4500 somewhere in there. I hope that will now not be a prob.

AK I see you are running the head shim. how much boost, and how does it do against the competition?
Ive been running 16 lbs with the shim and avgas are race fuel what ever i can find. Were having problems geting low compression pistons. I plan on running 18 to 20 pounds with carillo rods and je lowcompression pistons running race fuel when they show up. Ive been waiting since september for them to show up.

I ride with 800 xp and the phazer beats up on them, unless the snow is 4 ft deep. But since then I have added 153 inch track and droped close to 40 pounds on the sled. so it should be a even better sled.
