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Unbelievable-Mt Baker's snow base topped 100" today!!!


TY 4 Stroke Junkie
Jan 5, 2004
Mt Baker, Washington
Just got back from riding (my wifes Vector Mt) on Baker. They had 3 days in a row with 16" snowfall and then last night the level dropped to about 2000 feet and it snowed 24"!!!! It was so deep up there in spots it was over your waist. Got to rally my wife's Vector around with the new 14.5mm Rollers and OPO spring (stock weights and rivets) and it felt great. Only got stuck 1 time because I got off course and had to miss a tree. Revs showed up at about 8600 at 3200ft so I figured it was pretty close. It did seem like there was a bit of slippage and I think it might be in the secondary due to the really soft spring that is stock. I think I'll swap out the Silver spring for Sunday's ride and see how it does. I was also thinking of throwing on my 45' helix from my RX1 (has 40' stock) but maybe 1 thing at a time. Anyway, what a day!!!!


Good to hear other places are getting snow. After riding today i realized we actually have a nice amount of snow.

Last spring break we got 100" in 3 days. non stop snow. it was the best thing ive ever seen.
You are one sick dude1! 60 and raining here in the flatland and you post pics like THAT!!!! Can I move to your house for the winter?'ll leave the wife and 6 girls at home. Just me and my son, OK! Seriously though, GREAT PICS. I can only dream of conditions like those ;)!

16" more last night and 6" of snow at my house!!!! That means Baker got over 86" in the last 4 days and about 130" in the last 8 days!!! Time to go riding!!!

Sweet. How much better do these sleds run down closer to sea level? We ride at near 11,000 feet, I would imagine the power would be much greater at 3,200 feet.
