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Using SeaFoam in season / quantity


Nov 19, 2010
Reaction score
I have always used SeaFoam at the end of the season on the last tankful and so far no issues. Machine always ready to go.. Also using it in my boats.

My questions are:

1/ can or should it be used in season? We are often getting winter fuel from some 'interesting' places, like marinas with 6 month old gas and such.

2/ I cannot seem to find a chart that provides ratio of SeaFoam to gas, so I've been liberal. Going forward can someone suggest how much to add?

Bonus question: what is in this stuff?

(20% off at crappy tire this week BTW)
GeorgianBayGuy said:
I have always used SeaFoam at the end of the season on the last tankful and so far no issues. Machine always ready to go.. Also using it in my boats.

My questions are:

1/ can or should it be used in season? We are often getting winter fuel from some 'interesting' places, like marinas with 6 month old gas and such.

2/ I cannot seem to find a chart that provides ratio of SeaFoam to gas, so I've been liberal. Going forward can someone suggest how much to add?

Bonus question: what is in this stuff?

(20% off at crappy tire this week BTW)
I use it all periodically all season long, ususally 4-5 times and run a bunch through at the end of the season.

I believe the back of the can says, will treat between 30-90ltrs per can?
I use approx 200-300 mils per tank full ever other tank.
If you want a better product use yamaha's Fuel Med RX it is cheaper and deals with Ethanol problems with gas read about in snow tech Dec 12. You only use 1oz per 10 gals of fuel
Another great product for treating ethanol gas is star-tron........................... one once per gal.... Use it all year... MM.
What ever you choose to use for what ever purpose, it is my understanding there is nothing that can prevent or slow :Phase Separation" Nothing. If there was a solution to this problem, the oil companies would be using it as phase separation is a big problem for them too. Let's hear it from the experts and your thoughts on this topic too.
Vectornut said:
What ever you choose to use for what ever purpose, it is my understanding there is nothing that can prevent or slow :Phase Separation" Nothing. If there was a solution to this problem, the oil companies would be using it as phase separation is a big problem for them too. Let's hear it from the experts and your thoughts on this topic too.

did u watch the video???? i created phase separation, reversed phase separation, and prevented it from happening again in the fuel i treated...

not trying to be a jerk, but do you think the oil companies care about what we put in our gas tanks?? if they did they wouldnt have added ethanol in the first place..oil companies care about $$$$$$ and that is the bottom line.. look at their profits, they are making mad $$$$$$...
Rigidone, that video was great! I am just curious of the other two stabilizers you used, but I understand if you don't want to reveal them?
Grizzwald said:
Rigidone, that video was great! I am just curious of the other two stabilizers you used, but I understand if you don't want to reveal them?

thank you, i was the one filming, and a friend of mine was the one speaking..he is alot more knowledgeable on this subject and turned me onto the B3C products after fighting ethanol problems with my equipment in my landscape business.

I was replacing fuel lines twice a season, blowing up trimmers every other season and they would normally last 3 or 4 years.. since i have been storing my equipment and sleds with Mechanic in a Bottle and using the Ethanol Shield for the past 2 seasons i have had zero fuel line issues, zero detonation of any of my 2 cycle machines, and zero phase separation or stale fuel issues..

some of the products mentioned are actually extremely harmful to fuel lines, o rings, and gaskets with continual use because they have such strong cleaners and detergents in them that they actually remove oils from rubber products. the results would be fuel lines turning brittle and cracking or just turning to a jelly or putty like mess.. so be very careful of what you guys are using...

For snowmobiles use the B3C Engine Energy for daily riding, Man what a difference in throttle response.. its like totally instant and my sleds definitively just run smoother..B3C products are the real deal, they are a 100% synthetic product. its not something that has been around for 20 or 30 years that now say on the bottle "cures ethanol issues" or "prevents phase separation" like some products say on their bottles, even tho they have not changed their formula, they only changed their label.. One of the products mentioned earlier in this thread is a very pure form of kerosene(no colors or dies added) so rather than buying a 12oz bottle of "moonbrite" for $10 go get a gallon of kero for $5 and have a lifetime supply... ;)!

id rather not say what products we tested in/on a public forum, i dont feel like getting sued..lol.. you could always pm me and ask..actually if any of you guys have any fuel related questions feel free to pm me.. i have become pretty knowledgeable on the subject over the past year..
excellent video.. thanks for sharing.
I guess I can toss my unused portion of star-tron away........... )o; MM.
That's badass I think I will start using that product, great video u know it works you can see it plain as day.
Great video, and thanks for the helpful info, I'll be picking some up today. ;)!
