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Want to know previous owners of my sled..?


Mar 18, 2008
Reaction score
North of Sweden

I just bought a sled that came from the US. Now in order to get it register here in sweden I need a receipt or some kind of ownerpappers of the sled. But to get those I first need to get in contact with the previous owner.

The only thing I have is the Vin nr and Engine nr.

Is there any form of registration office or could i call Yamaha to check who bought this sled brand new..? Someone should know..?

Plz Help me out on this one

:4STroke: :yam:
If you know what state it was owned in most will have a site where this info can be obtained.Here in WI it is the Department of Natural Resources.
Your Yamaha dealer should be able to pull that up with the vin number. Who did you buy it from, they should have registration documents?


I bought it from a Swed who claimd there were no such thing as registrationdoc. in the US. So he didn't have any pappers.

Is this true..?
What kind of Docs. do you have in US?

He just said it was a tax mark that u had on the hood.

The sled had one owner and was bought in WI area.

He should have received the Wisconsin state registration which is what we use in Canada when we buy from the U.S. U.S. does not have titles as we do in Canada so you must receive the state Registration papers.

I think you waste your time with the US paper. Dont think you will be able to registrate this sled in sweden anyway. Yamaha scandinavia will not give you the paper needed for registration in sweden because if they did they also opens the possibility of side import of yamaha sleds from us.
I've talked to "Vägverket" the swedish car registration bla bla bla.. (What ever u may call it in US)

Any why they told me the only pappers I need is a owern registration from US or something like that and the Customs papper.. THAT'S IT!
So i don't see any problem with it..?

Try getting hold of Port Yamaha, they advertise on this site. They are a Yamaha dealer and should be able to run the vin number and tell you who the previous owner was. Tell him you are a member of the TY site.
Strange... Here in norway it has been importet a lot of rx1/apex from the us and this sleds are impossible to get registrated. It has something to do with EU/European aprovel of sound level, lights, brakes and other safety issues ++++. A friend of me contacted yamaha scandinavia to get this "aprovel peace of paper" but they refused to give him this. They could only aprove sleds that was sold through theyr system and that it could be other specs on sled sold in US. The last is completely buxx sxit and the only reason I can see is that they dont want people here in scandinavia to buy "cheep" sleds from US. Guess it would have been a great business idea (to import sleds from US) if it is so easy to get stickers on as you tells. Btw, why did you buy a sled from US? Is it so difficult to buy a used yamaha sled in sweden??? Guess you importet it because of the much lower price you had to pay for it in US.
Wasn't me that bought it from the US.. I Bought it from a guy that imported a lot of american cars and he had some space left for a sled so he towed it in as well...
That's why.. And yes, if It's so easy that they claim it's I would by more sleds from the US!

Something fishy if he does not have the Wisconsin registration signed by the owner, I would suspect theft as most stolen sleds end up in Ocean Cans headed for Europe. Contact the owner in Wisconsin first to make sure not stolen to be safe. The customs broker that cleared it into sweden must have had some documents, contact them also if you confirm not stolen. Sweden should require a no recall letter from Yamaha and that should suffice.

Yeah, I'm starting to think that to.. What will happen if it's stolen..?
Well I would get in contact with the owner if I found out who he is.! He also said that the sled went thru custom togheter with another car, so in the papers it just says that there is a car that has been paid customs on..:o|
Contact Yamaha with the vin number and you will get the owner info, contact owner and help him get his sled back. The sled has never even cleared customs, stay away from this guy, sounds really kinky. Sounds more like Chicago than Sweden.


But what happens if it's stolen.?
It's in Sweden now and I bought it under fair surcumstanses.. At the time I bought it there was no fishy about the deal.

And the owner has probably got his money thru some insureance company so to take back the sled to US will probably cost more than the sled is worth!

