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weird cold idle issue

Three possibilities: 1. Pilot Jets plugged. 2. Pilot Jets plugged. 3. Pilot Jets plugged.
We replaced the pilot jets last winter and even after putting in brand new pilots we had the same issue. It will run all day if you stay on the throttle. The second you let go of the throttle it will die out. A real pain when riding areas with a lot of stops. Not sure if related but the idle adjustment is very sensitive and touchy. Turn it up every so slightly and it idles too high but will stay running. Turn it down ever so slight and it dies out.
We replaced the pilot jets last winter and even after putting in brand new pilots we had the same issue. It will run all day if you stay on the throttle. The second you let go of the throttle it will die out. A real pain when riding areas with a lot of stops. Not sure if related but the idle adjustment is very sensitive and touchy. Turn it up every so slightly and it idles too high but will stay running. Turn it down ever so slight and it dies out.
Have you tried setting your idle adjustment on the trail after your sled has fully warmed up? It helps to pull the knob adjuster out of the retaining bracket and straighten the cable while you make the adjustment. Otherwise the bend in the cable creates resistance which makes fine tuning tougher. Just a thought.
My 09 does the same thing when cold I have to keep in the throttle a little till it’s fully warmed up then it’s fine, what actually keeps it at high idle up when the choke is off I thought the tps might actually do that. I turned my choke off completely after a short while then high idle till the warm up light goes off then stumbles but doesn’t completely die. My carbs I know are definitely clean with new pilots. Also I’m thinking could be a tors issue.
I had a vector a few years back doing this and it turned out to be the one cylinder had exhaust valves failing. Have you done a leakdown or compression test.
Got 12600 miles on sled , always start’s great and runs fine just that little stumble when warming up, great till high idle comes off , which come off at around 60 degrees until it reaches around 120 degrees then totally fine. And it will stay running without me staying in the throttle a little but really idles low around 1000. It would be nice if it would idle a little higher till it gets warmed up more.
My question is what keeps the idle up there till it warms up?, is it this wax thing that I’m hearing or is it the tps.
Ignition timing. At least that’s what I was told.

Full choke. Crank it. Keep the choke on for less than a minute and start back it off. Give it a couple of braps of throttle. Mine will idle low around 1000 rpm. Once the sled has been fully warmed up by riding it, the idle rpm’s sit at 1400 where it should be.

I do think iridium plugs help. It’s pretty tough to foul those spark plugs.
Fast lane, do you know the number of spark plug, I’ll have to get some. Yup that’s how mine starts also.
