192 Woodys
Where Else can you get Matt (speedshop) to stop eating dinner, Freddie(ECP) to take time from his successfull buisiness, and MR Knapp(need I say more) To take the time to get these sleds running the way they can. Anyone know if the Polaris, Skidoo or Artic Cat sites have this kind of help? Just askin?
Hey Woody, I agree. This is an awesome sight. Most of the time it's just reading that does the job to get over whatever problem, suggestion or comment that anyone has. It seems that there is a lot of performance enhancement type questions and they all have a willingness to share their experiences. There is also a lot of simple questions answered, like "where the hell is the drainplug for the chaincase" which are simply answered quickly without putting a guy down. Lengthy discussions are had on occasion concerning the industry in general including discussions of various components and the associated theory in a snowmobile. This site covers a very broad range of information which is very useful. Would the RX-1 be as broadly accepted today than if this site had not been put up in the first place? I don't know the answer to that question but I would bet that this site has played a major part in the success of the RX-1.
Skidoo, Polaris or Arctic Cat don't have anything like this site. When you think of it, niether does Dodge, Ford or Chevy for that matter.
Skidoo, Polaris or Arctic Cat don't have anything like this site. When you think of it, niether does Dodge, Ford or Chevy for that matter.